And so I enter the single life yet again. Maybe I'm not made for relationships or something. But, as per usual, I have someone else that I'm pretty interested in. I met him on a website. (haha, is there any other way? No really, is there??). We chatted for a while, then we went out late last week for a drink. The place we wanted to go to was pretty packed so we drove around for a few hours and then went for coffee/tea at 3am. We saw each other the next day. And the day after that. And then a few days later. It's going really well. He's a teacher AND he's really cute. So that's a bonus. I also found out, after mushing all about him to my friend from work, that they are actually related. Boy were my cheeks red. But it's all good. They're 2nd cousins and aren't too close and what not. So yeah. It's exciting. Let's hope this one actually works out.
In other news, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. Well, I've been planning about 5 or 6 for a while. But now I want to get one that will remind me of my dog. I was thinking of getting little angel wings on my back, since her name was Angel and all. I had originally wanted fairy wings on my back, so why not just change it up a bit and get something that really means something to me. I just don't know where to go to get one. I have the basic size and area i'd like to get them. But I don't want just any random wings on my back but I don't know how to draw. Any suggestions??
Ya. I've been staying with my friend from work since Tuesday night. Her room mates went away to the Dominican and she didn't want to stay alone. So here I am. It's pretty fun. We get to sit around and laugh and be silly and we don't have any witnesses to our weird behaviour. I go home on Wednesday I believe. It's not like it's far though. I live about 4 minutes away. But it's still exciting. Except for the fact that I have a bad cold that came on over night. And there's 3 cats and a dog too. So that doesn't help the sneeze factor.
Oh, word to the wise. If there are 2 girls alone at night who are afraid of their own shadows, it is NOT wise to watch The Amittyville Horror. Especially when one of you has PMS and the other is sick and over emotional. Because then you will see a scary part where you will scream so loud, almost pee your pants, one of you will scream "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" and then proceed to laugh so hard that you cry, either from fear or laughter, we're still not sure. But good times have been had and I need to stop typing cuz it's cold down here in the basement. I need to go back upstairs and sit on the bench thingy by the window and continue to listen to the MP3 player.
In other news, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. Well, I've been planning about 5 or 6 for a while. But now I want to get one that will remind me of my dog. I was thinking of getting little angel wings on my back, since her name was Angel and all. I had originally wanted fairy wings on my back, so why not just change it up a bit and get something that really means something to me. I just don't know where to go to get one. I have the basic size and area i'd like to get them. But I don't want just any random wings on my back but I don't know how to draw. Any suggestions??

Ya. I've been staying with my friend from work since Tuesday night. Her room mates went away to the Dominican and she didn't want to stay alone. So here I am. It's pretty fun. We get to sit around and laugh and be silly and we don't have any witnesses to our weird behaviour. I go home on Wednesday I believe. It's not like it's far though. I live about 4 minutes away. But it's still exciting. Except for the fact that I have a bad cold that came on over night. And there's 3 cats and a dog too. So that doesn't help the sneeze factor.
Oh, word to the wise. If there are 2 girls alone at night who are afraid of their own shadows, it is NOT wise to watch The Amittyville Horror. Especially when one of you has PMS and the other is sick and over emotional. Because then you will see a scary part where you will scream so loud, almost pee your pants, one of you will scream "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" and then proceed to laugh so hard that you cry, either from fear or laughter, we're still not sure. But good times have been had and I need to stop typing cuz it's cold down here in the basement. I need to go back upstairs and sit on the bench thingy by the window and continue to listen to the MP3 player.

I just started learning howto Tattoo!!! It is a kick ass hobby /// good luck with the new guy hun!!!!