Alright. So what's new over here? Not a whole lot. I was bleaching MissyBecca's hair the other day and we somehow decided that it would be a good idea to bleach my whole head too. It came out orange. So I went to the store and bought some of the Feria Red Booster type thingys. I get home, mix all the stuff together, then go to add the Red Booster. But it was not there. I looked everywhere, and I could not find it. I was not impressed. So I just put the dye on my head anyways. It's kind of a dark orangey reddish colour. People say they like it and that it totally suits me and my personality. I just don't know how well its going ot match my dress. I have my work Christmas party tomorrow nite. My dress is burgandy. But its got some other cool colours in it, so I think I can pull this off. I'm also wearing fishnets and some sweet shoes (that I can't exactly walk in). So I want to do a fauxhawk. I did it the other day and it looked cool. But people at my work are all too conservative. And so they'll probably look at me funny or something. Grrr. I'll do it anyways cuz I really don't care. Alright me!
So ya. That's about it for exciting news. I'll update again soon when I actually have something important or exciting to share.

So ya. That's about it for exciting news. I'll update again soon when I actually have something important or exciting to share.

We must catch up soon; I've been a bad friend as of late.