Ok so, tonight was pretty entertaining. I went to the mall with MissyBecca and Pumpkin, to buy some sorta food stuff for a Parent appreciation breakfast at work tomorrow. It was supposed to be a short and sweet visit. But once you get us two girls into a mall, it's hard getting us out. So we walked around, saw some cool things. Then I decided that I wanted to get my nose pireced. I've wanted to get it done for quite some time, but have always chickened out. I don't know why though. I've had it pierced twice before. So, maybe I'm just a retard? So we went to the shop to see how much it costs. And luckily enough, our friend Dan was working. (He's the other guy in the group shot picture in my new pics section, btw.) So we hung out, had a smoke, talked about how I'm a chicken shit when it comes to piercings. So then he said to come by if I changed my mind. So we shopped a bit more. Then I decided I really wanted to get it done. So we went. I warned Dan that I would probably cry like a bitch. But I didn't. Thank god. He was really good about it. I can see why so many people go to him. It hurt like a fucker and my eyes watered a bit. And then it started to bleed. So I was poking at my nostril with a Q-tip, but yeah. I really like it. It's small and cute. Unlike the first 2 times I got it done, WAY back in the day. When the earrings were like the size of my whole nostril. The last 2 times they used a gun. But now they only do it with needles. So that is probably what scared me most. But in the end, it wasn't that bad. And when they use a needle it's a different kind of pain. And it's sparkly and cute. So I'm happy. For now.
Once the spot from where he marked my nose goes away, and all the dried blood is cleaned away, and hopefully once i get my cool new hair cut, I shall take a pic and post it. Or just message me on MSN and I'll turn on my webcam. That's probably easiest

Once the spot from where he marked my nose goes away, and all the dried blood is cleaned away, and hopefully once i get my cool new hair cut, I shall take a pic and post it. Or just message me on MSN and I'll turn on my webcam. That's probably easiest

In any event, we must talk soon. I've been a rather negligent friend as of late.