So apparently I have not updated in almost a month. Unusual. I guess it's cuz everytime I tried to update I didn't really have anything exciting or interesting to say. It's not like I have anything exciting or interesting to say this time either, but I got tired of seeing that I got no new comments on my journal. I like comments. Comments make me a happy little
So, What's new you ask? My brother got married on October 1st. It was pretty good. There was lots of drinking and dancing (most of which was NOT done by me). Apparently I looked nice onthat day. People told me how good I looked with my hair and make up done. Are they trying to tell me I look bad all the rest of the time? Hehe. Oh well. Once I figure out how to post pictures in here I shall, cuz I'm way too lazy to resize all of them to put them in my pics section.
The weekend after the wedding I spent it with MissyBecca for her birthday. On the friday we ended up at 107. And usually I don't go to clubs and what not but it was her birthday so I went. And I must say I had a pretty good time. I don't dance at all but they played some really good music. And it was all stuff that I knew. It was rock and alternative which is awesome cuz dance music sucks. Then on the Saturday we went out to a nice Italian restaurant here in ghetto old Brampton. It was a triple date kind of thing. There was MissyBecca and her Boo, Me and my NEW boyfriend, and our friend Dan and his gf Shannon. Yes. That is correct. I do indeed have a boyfriend. And he is so sweet and awesome and nice and friendly and funny. He gets along SO well with my friends too. And not to mention he is friggin cute as hell too. So yeah. I'm happy about that.
The dinner was good, except that almost everyone around me ordered fish....and since I don't eat fish, the smell made me quite sick. I somehow convinced myself that because it smelled like fish, that the pizza I was eating had fish on it. And so I started gagging and only ate less than one slice. But I made up for it in desserts
On the Sunday I had 2 Thanksgiving dinners! I had one at my Aunt's house, who lives next door to me for the record. Then I picked up Jamie(the new bf) and we went to MissyBecca's house, who spent all day cooking a nice Thanksgiving dinner for us all. It was really good.
Hmm. Let's see. What else has been happening? Oh. My job sucks. It's so stressful and I don't even enjoy it anymore. The kids have gotten SO bad and there is no help or support from my boss for this child that has something seriously wrong with him. All he does is scream and hit and bite the other children or us and he does NOT understand time outs or ANYTHING we say to him. I believe he has some form of autism. But, there is nothing being done. And we just keep getting more and more children and there is more and more things to be done and I'm sick of it. I do NOT get paid enough to deal with all of this shit. So I was thinking of how I would like to follow my dream. I want to move out my house. Possibly to Toronto. And I want to get into Fashion. I guess I'd go to school first. Then get a job doing that. I know it wouldn't be easy getting job downtown doing this, But I figure it's a hell of a lot easier getting a job downtown doing Fashion things instead of trying to get a job in Brampton doing it. So yeah. I'm going to look into school and how long it would be and how much it is and all that jazz. Should be some good times. Except for telling my mom. THat part does not sound good. Ah well. She can deal with it.
Hmmm. What else? Oh! I went out for drinks with Jamie and one of his old friends and her boyfriend. They were REALLY nice people. I thought I would be shy and what not but once we got started talking, you couldn't shut me up. We sat in the bar at Boston Pizza for over 3 hours just talking away. Although at some points it was hard to hear cuz the Leafs game was on in the background and apparently there were some hard core fans there. But yeah. Then I went back to Jamie's house, we watched a movie and then I stayed over. It was a good time. Until I woke up at 8am. And I felt sick. As usual. I went to the bathroom then went back to bed for 5 minutes. I then woke up feeling like I was going to puke. I woke up Jamie and asked him to drive me home. Which he did without hesitation. Even though he didn't have to be up yet. I felt SO bad. He was supposed to wake up at 10:30 for work, but set the alarm for 11 so that he could sleep in longer with me. And then I went and got all sick and what not and he had to wake up early anyways. Ooops!
But all in all. Things are going good. I'm still alive, for the time being. And I'm happy. For once, in a long time. I better not say anymore about being happy cuz I'll just jinx it. I hope everyone is doing well. I know I havn't commented as much as I usually would. And even didn't respond to some of the comments left in my journal. But I will get around to it if there are comments this time. Cuz I love you all and I won't ignore you anymore!!
Edited To Add: I added a few pictures in my pics section.

So, What's new you ask? My brother got married on October 1st. It was pretty good. There was lots of drinking and dancing (most of which was NOT done by me). Apparently I looked nice onthat day. People told me how good I looked with my hair and make up done. Are they trying to tell me I look bad all the rest of the time? Hehe. Oh well. Once I figure out how to post pictures in here I shall, cuz I'm way too lazy to resize all of them to put them in my pics section.
The weekend after the wedding I spent it with MissyBecca for her birthday. On the friday we ended up at 107. And usually I don't go to clubs and what not but it was her birthday so I went. And I must say I had a pretty good time. I don't dance at all but they played some really good music. And it was all stuff that I knew. It was rock and alternative which is awesome cuz dance music sucks. Then on the Saturday we went out to a nice Italian restaurant here in ghetto old Brampton. It was a triple date kind of thing. There was MissyBecca and her Boo, Me and my NEW boyfriend, and our friend Dan and his gf Shannon. Yes. That is correct. I do indeed have a boyfriend. And he is so sweet and awesome and nice and friendly and funny. He gets along SO well with my friends too. And not to mention he is friggin cute as hell too. So yeah. I'm happy about that.

The dinner was good, except that almost everyone around me ordered fish....and since I don't eat fish, the smell made me quite sick. I somehow convinced myself that because it smelled like fish, that the pizza I was eating had fish on it. And so I started gagging and only ate less than one slice. But I made up for it in desserts

On the Sunday I had 2 Thanksgiving dinners! I had one at my Aunt's house, who lives next door to me for the record. Then I picked up Jamie(the new bf) and we went to MissyBecca's house, who spent all day cooking a nice Thanksgiving dinner for us all. It was really good.
Hmm. Let's see. What else has been happening? Oh. My job sucks. It's so stressful and I don't even enjoy it anymore. The kids have gotten SO bad and there is no help or support from my boss for this child that has something seriously wrong with him. All he does is scream and hit and bite the other children or us and he does NOT understand time outs or ANYTHING we say to him. I believe he has some form of autism. But, there is nothing being done. And we just keep getting more and more children and there is more and more things to be done and I'm sick of it. I do NOT get paid enough to deal with all of this shit. So I was thinking of how I would like to follow my dream. I want to move out my house. Possibly to Toronto. And I want to get into Fashion. I guess I'd go to school first. Then get a job doing that. I know it wouldn't be easy getting job downtown doing this, But I figure it's a hell of a lot easier getting a job downtown doing Fashion things instead of trying to get a job in Brampton doing it. So yeah. I'm going to look into school and how long it would be and how much it is and all that jazz. Should be some good times. Except for telling my mom. THat part does not sound good. Ah well. She can deal with it.
Hmmm. What else? Oh! I went out for drinks with Jamie and one of his old friends and her boyfriend. They were REALLY nice people. I thought I would be shy and what not but once we got started talking, you couldn't shut me up. We sat in the bar at Boston Pizza for over 3 hours just talking away. Although at some points it was hard to hear cuz the Leafs game was on in the background and apparently there were some hard core fans there. But yeah. Then I went back to Jamie's house, we watched a movie and then I stayed over. It was a good time. Until I woke up at 8am. And I felt sick. As usual. I went to the bathroom then went back to bed for 5 minutes. I then woke up feeling like I was going to puke. I woke up Jamie and asked him to drive me home. Which he did without hesitation. Even though he didn't have to be up yet. I felt SO bad. He was supposed to wake up at 10:30 for work, but set the alarm for 11 so that he could sleep in longer with me. And then I went and got all sick and what not and he had to wake up early anyways. Ooops!

But all in all. Things are going good. I'm still alive, for the time being. And I'm happy. For once, in a long time. I better not say anymore about being happy cuz I'll just jinx it. I hope everyone is doing well. I know I havn't commented as much as I usually would. And even didn't respond to some of the comments left in my journal. But I will get around to it if there are comments this time. Cuz I love you all and I won't ignore you anymore!!

Edited To Add: I added a few pictures in my pics section.

It took me since Sunday to read it. Not cause I am slow, but cause it was just so long.
Anyhoo, nice to know that at least you are having luck in the relationship department, good to hear.
I've TAGed you. Just be glad no one coughed on you. With flem and the like. You'd much rather be tagged. Just go with it, you'll like it.
See my journal for details. I said don't fight it.