Christ aloud, I should update more often!!! So, What's been happening in the world of me? I've bought a bike to get excercise in, by riding to and from work daily, and going out 3 dinners a week for half an hour. it's quite fun, but at the moment it's killing me.
I've subscribed to Tesco DVD rental, so all the copies I'm going to make are going to bump up my already healthy collection
True Romance is a proper weird film
WB To Yorkie. He's got his shit together it seems, so it's all good!!!
I love Quinne some more
I've subscribed to Tesco DVD rental, so all the copies I'm going to make are going to bump up my already healthy collection

True Romance is a proper weird film
WB To Yorkie. He's got his shit together it seems, so it's all good!!!
I love Quinne some more

My set was queued ages ago, so hopefully it'll be up soonish...eee, I'm all excited!