So, got bored and had a nother piercing. Was gonna have my lip done again, but thought against it and had my eyebrow done again. Boy it fucking hurt more than the first time.
Have ordered a new PC for my room and decided to order a new webcam cuz this one's a bit shitty.

Have ordered a new PC for my room and decided to order a new webcam cuz this one's a bit shitty.

Been working my bottom off, like the proverbial.
I've also been commenting on far too few lives recently. Feel's as if I'm loosing my god-like grip over the world. Makes me shudder just thinking of that.
London's a strange place. I enjoy traveling there, but I despise the end of the evening. Most of London closes around midnight - with the exception of weekends, where it normally closes around 11pm.
And then, the rest of the evening, is filled with pissed Taxi driver's taking me on tours of London (last time I ask them to take me to a KFC), and 3 hour trains, when the journey takes 45 minutes. Don't get me started on the 70 per night hotel rooms, run by freakishly pale camp Germans.
The last camp German hotel manager actually looked me up and down, and asked for a credit card imprint, in case I 'damaged' anything. I was tempted to throw the TV out the window (but from the looks of it, I think the previous occupant already had).
The TV channels, despite being the country's capital, are shockingly dismal. Local TV seems to be put together by monkeys, for, monkeys. Even the radio sounds as if the announcer has there head in a bucket (or in a monkey).
(It also smells kinda 'funky' around London. Kinda like the smell you find in a new flat, that smell you can't quite pin-down, but you know is in the corner of the closets.)
My plans for Halloween have crumbled like, um, like well-laid plans for Halloween crumbling in the hands of an incredibly bitchy Suicide Girl. Um, I'm supposed to use colourful and exotic parallel's in metaphors, right? Oh well.
Do you fancy another Brum-brum meet? Possibly coinciding with Halloween or Easter?