A new girl has started at my office this week. 16, and described as "gorgeous" by the hags I work with. So, she was being waited for by the rampant men from the back. I aint interested cuz I hjust imagined her to be kevina. Me and my mate at work were taking the piss before she started about her calling her kids destiny or something.
She's kinda pretty, but nothing special. They all think I'm mad at work for not fancying her. My friend, who happens to be a lesbian said she's not pretty, a bit of a scrubber, and even stated she looked like a cabbage patch doll. I found her comments harsh. ANYWAY.
Bear in mind this girl is 16, her boyfriend of 7 months was picking her up from work tonight. Out walks I, to which I see a van (like, a vauxhall van, small thing) with a bloke, about 20, messing with the stereo(which was playing crap). He's wearing a Burberry Plaid cap, gold chain and a sleeveless Nike vest, and some tracksuit bottoms. I nearly wet myself laughing to yself on the way up to the bus stop. It just shows that i can guess the mentality of some people today. How many sane people of about 20, go out with school kids unless you can't pull generally?
A new girl has started at my office this week. 16, and described as "gorgeous" by the hags I work with. So, she was being waited for by the rampant men from the back. I aint interested cuz I hjust imagined her to be kevina. Me and my mate at work were taking the piss before she started about her calling her kids destiny or something.
She's kinda pretty, but nothing special. They all think I'm mad at work for not fancying her. My friend, who happens to be a lesbian said she's not pretty, a bit of a scrubber, and even stated she looked like a cabbage patch doll. I found her comments harsh. ANYWAY.
Bear in mind this girl is 16, her boyfriend of 7 months was picking her up from work tonight. Out walks I, to which I see a van (like, a vauxhall van, small thing) with a bloke, about 20, messing with the stereo(which was playing crap). He's wearing a Burberry Plaid cap, gold chain and a sleeveless Nike vest, and some tracksuit bottoms. I nearly wet myself laughing to yself on the way up to the bus stop. It just shows that i can guess the mentality of some people today. How many sane people of about 20, go out with school kids unless you can't pull generally?
I'm studying Zoology and I love it
I went to college near to the place I work too, and I recall all the girls I knew, where dating 20 year old gimps, who drove crappy cars with crappy sounds systems, playing incredibly crappy music. They where all called something - 'az (fill in a letter of your choice - gaz, daz...)...
It's almost a uniform... Tracksuit, and (around here) any Kappa branded clothing. Yup, "Kappa, the Krappa clothing".
The girl I lusted after through my teen life (well, actually two of the three) where dating absolute tits. One guy actually had a spray-on tan. Seriously. One day - white. Next day - orange.
Now I'm 21, I'm considering joining the ranks, and picking up a 17 year old girlfriend. Now where's my Burberry cap?