Sucha long time since a post. Well, I've left this site twice now, so this i smy 3rd time around. 3rd time lucky eh?
I received an offer to rejoin which seemed cheap, so I took it. Perhaps not the best way to be saving my money but still
So, what has happened since last time? I've passed my driving test, I have a (fantastic) car, and me and Liz have finally set a date for the wedding. June 23rd 2007,4pm Dudley Registry office Here it is!!! and I'm really excited
I'm still working in the same shithole job, with no prospects and no happiness. Still, I try and stay positive about it.
So, this time around, I'm gonna try and be more involved in groups, with friends, with all sorts. I'm gonna make more of an effort, because otherwise it's just a waste being here. What's the point of paying for a year's membership if all I'm gonna do is look at women? I mean, ok, that's cool and all, but I want to branch out and make some friends!!!
Sucha long time since a post. Well, I've left this site twice now, so this i smy 3rd time around. 3rd time lucky eh?
I received an offer to rejoin which seemed cheap, so I took it. Perhaps not the best way to be saving my money but still
So, what has happened since last time? I've passed my driving test, I have a (fantastic) car, and me and Liz have finally set a date for the wedding. June 23rd 2007,4pm Dudley Registry office Here it is!!! and I'm really excited
I'm still working in the same shithole job, with no prospects and no happiness. Still, I try and stay positive about it.
So, this time around, I'm gonna try and be more involved in groups, with friends, with all sorts. I'm gonna make more of an effort, because otherwise it's just a waste being here. What's the point of paying for a year's membership if all I'm gonna do is look at women? I mean, ok, that's cool and all, but I want to branch out and make some friends!!!

I can understand how it can feel a bit weird saying hello to someone out of the blue, and we try not to be cliquey in SGUK, but when you've known people in there over 3 years, it's kind of tricky. So that's all fair enough.
As for your question, that's a hard one. Hundred Reasons are the first band I ever saw live (late starter) and they were amazing, but then I've seen Bouncing Souls a couple of times and they were also awesome (although seeing them in The Garage helped. Great venue, but can get REALLY fucking hot). I think the best is actually one that I forgot to put on there, Social Distortion. I saw them last year and it was prety much one of the best gigs I've ever been to.