By Christ, how long since an update? To be totally honest I haven't been here much at all!!! I've popped on every now and again (almost came here using work computer which would be frowned upon slightly. I dunno, something something inappropriate something sacked)
So, what's been happening in the wonderful world of me? Not a great deal to be happy about admittedly but I'm...
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So, what's been happening in the wonderful world of me? Not a great deal to be happy about admittedly but I'm...
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hi again
10 months 'til i'm in england!
still waiting for your e-mail reply... i'm sure its your turn.
still waiting for your e-mail reply... i'm sure its your turn.
Sucha long time since a post. Well, I've left this site twice now, so this i smy 3rd time around. 3rd time lucky eh?
I received an offer to rejoin which seemed cheap, so I took it. Perhaps not the best way to be saving my money but still
So, what has happened since last time? I've passed my driving test, I have a...
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Sucha long time since a post. Well, I've left this site twice now, so this i smy 3rd time around. 3rd time lucky eh?
I received an offer to rejoin which seemed cheap, so I took it. Perhaps not the best way to be saving my money but still
So, what has happened since last time? I've passed my driving test, I have a...
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Meh, I'm the last person who should have a problem with random, so it's no odds to me
I can understand how it can feel a bit weird saying hello to someone out of the blue, and we try not to be cliquey in SGUK, but when you've known people in there over 3 years, it's kind of tricky. So that's all fair enough.
As for your question, that's a hard one. Hundred Reasons are the first band I ever saw live (late starter) and they were amazing, but then I've seen Bouncing Souls a couple of times and they were also awesome (although seeing them in The Garage helped. Great venue, but can get REALLY fucking hot). I think the best is actually one that I forgot to put on there, Social Distortion. I saw them last year and it was prety much one of the best gigs I've ever been to.

I can understand how it can feel a bit weird saying hello to someone out of the blue, and we try not to be cliquey in SGUK, but when you've known people in there over 3 years, it's kind of tricky. So that's all fair enough.
As for your question, that's a hard one. Hundred Reasons are the first band I ever saw live (late starter) and they were amazing, but then I've seen Bouncing Souls a couple of times and they were also awesome (although seeing them in The Garage helped. Great venue, but can get REALLY fucking hot). I think the best is actually one that I forgot to put on there, Social Distortion. I saw them last year and it was prety much one of the best gigs I've ever been to.
I feel rotten this morning. I went to the pub last night for a ausual Friday at the pub. Red wine, mj, and three really close friends. all good. well, it was supposed to be. My closest friend Ben started to take the piss. Now, generally when people take the piss out of me, I laugh it off. I do it enough to people...
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I feel rotten this morning. I went to the pub last night for a ausual Friday at the pub. Red wine, mj, and three really close friends. all good. well, it was supposed to be. My closest friend Ben started to take the piss. Now, generally when people take the piss out of me, I laugh it off. I do it enough to people...
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Can sympathise mate, similar thing happened to me on a pub crawl in Leeds a couple of months back. Except I wasn't quite as diplomatic as you and told the idiot in question that if he didn't sod off I'd batter him senseless. Not proud of it but he seemed to take the hint he wasn't wanted and left.
thin key ewe!
Hubba Kiki
Hubba Quinne & Reagan
Hubba Charley
Hubba Limbo UK Girls.
This is beginning to be a lot of Hubba!!! The calibre of girls is amazing at the moment! I'm liking it a lot
So, I've bought a new mp3 player, 5gb, 130. I thought that was good. And it's not an Apple "needs an ew 40 battery after 18 months" Ipod. Har har....
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Hubba Quinne & Reagan
Hubba Charley
Hubba Limbo UK Girls.
This is beginning to be a lot of Hubba!!! The calibre of girls is amazing at the moment! I'm liking it a lot
So, I've bought a new mp3 player, 5gb, 130. I thought that was good. And it's not an Apple "needs an ew 40 battery after 18 months" Ipod. Har har....
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Aye, the sets in the last few days have been most pleasing to the eye.
Sigh...don't get me started on diets - I always try and get 'em to work but I just end up missing burgers and hot dogs too much...

Sigh...don't get me started on diets - I always try and get 'em to work but I just end up missing burgers and hot dogs too much...

My quest to build our dvd collection has started. first three DVDs on rental from new place have arrived today. Well, they're not for me really. Liz is the Sta Wars fan, and wants to watch them before Episode Three comes out. I may give them a chance.
I love Kiki now, but I still hold a pretty big candle for Quinne. Sigh, Perhaps...
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I love Kiki now, but I still hold a pretty big candle for Quinne. Sigh, Perhaps...
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soz dude, if you see this, i was away when you joined.
and quinne, yay! the joint set would surely blow me away

thankyouuuuuuuuuuu xx
Christ aloud, I should update more often!!! So, What's been happening in the world of me? I've bought a bike to get excercise in, by riding to and from work daily, and going out 3 dinners a week for half an hour. it's quite fun, but at the moment it's killing me.
I've subscribed to Tesco DVD rental, so all the copies I'm going to...
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I've subscribed to Tesco DVD rental, so all the copies I'm going to...
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Cheers mate. 

Hello to you too
My set was queued ages ago, so hopefully it'll be up soonish...eee, I'm all excited!

My set was queued ages ago, so hopefully it'll be up soonish...eee, I'm all excited!
I'm totally revving myself up for tomorrow night's gig in Brum. Two great fucking bands
Dropkick Murphys and The Bouncing Souls. I think I may spend Saturday in bed. Har har, a great gig can be expected I think. I'll be wearing my black kilt and a white shirt if anyone goes and sees me.
Dropkick Murphys and The Bouncing Souls. I think I may spend Saturday in bed. Har har, a great gig can be expected I think. I'll be wearing my black kilt and a white shirt if anyone goes and sees me.
Sounds like a good gig man. Hope you enjoyed it. 

OI OI How is it going?
Well, what's new? I bought a new coat, which is ace. I hate work (not new) and I got a loan agreement to pay off my credit cards. Yippeee. I iwsh I'd never had the fucking things, but it has been a learning curve for me. I'll learn
What else? Well, despite my original attitude about doing it, I've now decided to redesign my website....
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What else? Well, despite my original attitude about doing it, I've now decided to redesign my website....
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Sigh...yeah, I can sympathise about the credit cards, bloody things... 

Well, I rejoined and forgot to update. D'oh
New Quinne set - Hubba
I'm currently listening to Dropkick Murphys EP sitting in my boxers, and I should really be getting ready for work. Fuck it though. I'll blame the snow. I hate snow.
Now I passed my driving test (YAY) I'm doing Pass Plus. Had a two hour lesson last night in the snow. I've...
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New Quinne set - Hubba

I'm currently listening to Dropkick Murphys EP sitting in my boxers, and I should really be getting ready for work. Fuck it though. I'll blame the snow. I hate snow.

Now I passed my driving test (YAY) I'm doing Pass Plus. Had a two hour lesson last night in the snow. I've...
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Weird, one of the girls in my department told me today she was off to see them. It's quite funny 'cos she's a total townie (though not a chav) but she goes out with a skater punk who's trying to musically re-educate her. Good luck to him I say.