Maria Luisa is born ^^
She was born pretty huge comparing to her mom's size... hehehe
being a godfather is great!
here are some pics:

And here is a drawning that my personal trainer's 3yo daughter did, according to her, thats me!
haahuah she is so cute!

that purple line in the end it's how she wrote my name... hehehe
Amanh pego a estrada rumo a Sampa e passo uma noite por l... e na manh de sexta vou pra So Loureno - MG.
Se tiver algum nessa regio dem um toque!
provavelmente eu leve meu note.
Beijos meninas!
e parabns pelo sets novos XD
She was born pretty huge comparing to her mom's size... hehehe
being a godfather is great!
here are some pics:

And here is a drawning that my personal trainer's 3yo daughter did, according to her, thats me!
haahuah she is so cute!

that purple line in the end it's how she wrote my name... hehehe
Amanh pego a estrada rumo a Sampa e passo uma noite por l... e na manh de sexta vou pra So Loureno - MG.
Se tiver algum nessa regio dem um toque!

provavelmente eu leve meu note.
Beijos meninas!
e parabns pelo sets novos XD
que linda! veio ao mundo!
bom final de semana querido, espero que tudo se resolva com seu notebook