So its been 2 whole years (and change) since my last blog post and since I've been getting back into the SG thing I thought i'd drop a little blog about the last 2 years for Pierre.
2017, so in 2017 i finally decided I would be leaving my job of 10 years as an Ambulance Dispatcher and take the plunge out onto front line work working as an EMT, in order to do that i was going to need to lose some weight since 10 years as a sit down computer monkey takes its tole on the waist line. I like to think i was pretty successful since i managed to through diet and exercise I managed to lose 4 stone over the course of the year and, in October, started the 23 week EMT course that would set the path of my new career, training was in barking which, if anyone knows East London, is not the MOST fun of places to train but I coped.
2018, So this was quite the year for me, finished my training in March and started out on the road, loving it until BOOM, body decides no thank you i'm going to freak the fuck out. I ended up in hospital with Pancreatitis and sepsis, which i had recently been taught is a bad fucking time, i joke but i was lucky to come out the other side of it, as i understand it (whilst i was in an ITU bed) my family were having the quiet talk in the family room about my chances, or the lack thereof. BUT here I am, a month in one hospital, then two further hospital stays over the 6 months recovery time and it was painful, and frustrating and exhausting all at the same time, my main concern was weatheror not I was going to be able to get back to work, this job that I had thrown away a 10 year career for to start anew, if i had lost that, i had lost everything. BUT come September I set foot on an ambulance again, back to my new career and back to health.
And that's where I am now, working my ass off in the south east of London, happy and healthy for the most part :D
Peace, Pierre <3