So I've not posted a blog in a long while so today whilst I'm sitting around before heading out for a night shift I thought, why the hell not.
So I don't like New Years resolutions, they seem to just be these very loose promises people make to themselves and almost always break, so this year I set myself two goals to achieve. NUMBER 1; lose weight, I want to change career but the job I want to go into requires a certain level of fitness, a certain level that I am NO WHERE NEAR. Plus I've needed to get on top of my weight for a long time and this is the year for it. NUMBER 2; move out, this flat I'm in is cold, it's a bit tumbledown and I'm utterly fed up of being nearly 5 miles from the nearest station that could take me to London for the day so I want out.
And so far...I've been eating healthier, I've cut sugar out and carbs right down which are my two biggest vices and in 2 weeks I've lost a stone in weight which I'm really pleased with, and I'm happy with the way I'm eating and what I am and I get exercise at the gym and such so all is well there for now. Also I'm moving to a lovely new flat less than a mile from the nearest mainline station by the end of February. So both goals are set to be achieved which I'm pretty damn pleased about, I'm going to allow myself a bit of smugness.
Hope everyone else's goals or resolutions or whatever you call them are going as well as mine.
Peace, Pierre.