ahhhhhhh finally a break from going to shows , but i never get sick of meeting new people and making them think i am a total psycho...
yes today is the relax day ecpet for around 8 pm when i half to go pick up a new fender half stack, oh oh and i want me some chicken gyros, mmmmmmmmmm and that cucumber sauce mmmmmm :drools: ....and guess who is moving out of this house soon??? give up .. ok. ME ... no more junkie brother i have to put up with or his slut of a girlfriend, ohhhh if looks could kill i would killed her with my evil stare
..... yes but i am in a happy mood , and yes i said happy don't seem sooooo shocked .... so that means song for the day is ......
caliaban-detect your liberty

caliaban-detect your liberty
