taaa daaaaa!!!! this officially marks one of the best days ever! this journal entry signafies that i have built from scratch my first computer, not too mentions it's hella fast.
second day at my new job, seems like it'll be fun, hell i sell videa games but the people seem pretty cool and the manager's level...the higher echelons of management seem to know what the hell they're doing as opposed to blockbuster. oki doke i'm off to look at some more hot chicks on the net and then play some video games -later
second day at my new job, seems like it'll be fun, hell i sell videa games but the people seem pretty cool and the manager's level...the higher echelons of management seem to know what the hell they're doing as opposed to blockbuster. oki doke i'm off to look at some more hot chicks on the net and then play some video games -later