I need new friends
So yeah, I found out some bullshit I'd rather not share Monday and decided to drink until I cant feel feelings anymore. I started at 2pm. Went to the MSI concert, which was a total blast. I remember walking to the car (well, ok stumbling while hanging on to Tiff), getting in the car, ...blanked out..., cut to me puking my guts out
in a Target bag, ...blanked out..., cut to me waking up on my couch naked with a different pair of panties on.
Apparently, my fantastic "friends" drug me inside my house, dropped me on the living room floor and just left. I mean dropped too, I have rug burn for me to prove it.
Thank god Wolfe was home. He picked me up, put me on the couch, stuck my head in the trashcan, stripped my puked covered clothes off me, put fresh panties on me and fed me water.
So yeah, my friends are no longer my friends.
Mindless Self Indulgence
Totally rocked the fuck out!!!
So yeah, I found out some bullshit I'd rather not share Monday and decided to drink until I cant feel feelings anymore. I started at 2pm. Went to the MSI concert, which was a total blast. I remember walking to the car (well, ok stumbling while hanging on to Tiff), getting in the car, ...blanked out..., cut to me puking my guts out

Apparently, my fantastic "friends" drug me inside my house, dropped me on the living room floor and just left. I mean dropped too, I have rug burn for me to prove it.
Thank god Wolfe was home. He picked me up, put me on the couch, stuck my head in the trashcan, stripped my puked covered clothes off me, put fresh panties on me and fed me water.
So yeah, my friends are no longer my friends.
Mindless Self Indulgence
Totally rocked the fuck out!!!
Oh and I drunkenly marked Bogarts!
That's right, rock the fuck on
I did great in the pit. Got a bruised elbow but I fucked some people up. I think it's because I was so drunk, but hey, whatever works!
I did get my glowsticks taken from me though. What's really going on here? I was minding my own business, raving out in the back where I couldn't hit anyone and security walks up and plucks them out of my hands and walks away. What an ass! Didn't his mother ever teach him that you don't snatch things out of other peoples hands?
And yes, if you danced naked for me, all of my sorrows would vanish instantly!