HEY IM BACK Im going to try and wrrite everyday just becasue I think it's healthy.
I keep having construction dreams, it's usually a house where part of it is being renovated. I think it's about chaange about how im changing whether I like it or not.
One thing good that cam out of Bush's election (notice i don't say re-election because he was COURT APPOINTED the first time) is that I'm starting to get more verbal I want to do something about it, which is good. It's getting frustrating meeting so-called christians (but we can't judge) who think Bush is more moral gRRR. Gee isnt there something about Do Unto Others somewhere in there and will somebody fucking show me the part where Jesus say the THOUS SHALT NOT KILL command doesn't count in war?????? K Im done ranting Where the fuck is my coffee
I keep having construction dreams, it's usually a house where part of it is being renovated. I think it's about chaange about how im changing whether I like it or not.
One thing good that cam out of Bush's election (notice i don't say re-election because he was COURT APPOINTED the first time) is that I'm starting to get more verbal I want to do something about it, which is good. It's getting frustrating meeting so-called christians (but we can't judge) who think Bush is more moral gRRR. Gee isnt there something about Do Unto Others somewhere in there and will somebody fucking show me the part where Jesus say the THOUS SHALT NOT KILL command doesn't count in war?????? K Im done ranting Where the fuck is my coffee

Why are there people in the world that want to control other people? There is supposed to be a connection between agriculturalist, people controlling the land, and people moving towards controlling one another. This only worsened with industrialism. It was a matter of survival for hunter gathers to get along with one another and the land they lived on, otherwise they would die.
I am just trying to figure it all out. Good thing I wasn't born in the segregated south during the "good-old-days." I would have been lynched for sure.