Hey im back and a little tanner. I think I'm hooked on Burning Man, now. I keep thinking of all the stuff I can do for costumes and art bikes, lol ARRR!!!
I couldn't agree with you more....who needs clothes.

wubbbas! I havent written in a while. I havent worked in 2 weeks, i wish i was on vacation, but ive been sick these last three days.

I just saw All That Jazz on dvd and i forgot how good it was. Bob Fosse was so cynical and honest. he knew that he had his flaws (sex, drinking, drugs,) but also knew that those are...
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Where are you????
im driving my taxi every freakin night! can't wait till i become a full fledged Hair Artist or stylist of whatever the fuck i want to be callled

my neck is killing me so im taking pain puills. I gotta call my massage friend up who wanted to exchange massages for haircuts.

Hey you - Just saying hi
well i did it. yesterday took the 4 hour state cosmetology exam thinking for sure that i would fail and lo and behold I PASSSSED i am about 2 weeks away from being a licensed cosmetologist in Seattle. whooo hooo. it's so amazing to me to think that a year ago i was sturggling in the first quarter not even thinking i could make it....
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Hee hee hee - I should have done that cause my mouth hurts soooooooo bad right now. I feel like someone kicked me in the face frown Oh well, sometimes you just gotta take the pain right?

Kisses kiss kiss

[Edited on Dec 03, 2004 9:47PM]
Now that I am felling better - congrats on the exam!!!. And Seattle - I love that city. I once drove from Edmonton to Seattle in 4 days, just so that I could rollerblade on the docks for 2 hours biggrin

I remember when I was doing my paramedic course, and I felt the same way - "I am never going to do this" but it is the best feeling when you finish with a smile on your face smile

Kisses kiss kiss
it's 4 oclock in the morning and I CANT SLEEP!!! and noone seems to be up who wants to talk to me WAAAAA

Had some weird dreams I walked by some guy interviewing Bono for Rolling Stone telling him how great an album that was panned globally of u2s. I dont get why i would dream that it was so vivid though.

Then I was...
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Staying biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
I like what you have done with the pic biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
argh Im not sure why but last night i decided to get drunk. my plan was to get a little drunk and run over to the Rainbow or The Monkey or maybe Dantes when I was feeling good, but instead i drank a little too much and ended up sleeping lol Why do I do this to myself?

3 more days of Hair school and...
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HEY IM BACK Im going to try and wrrite everyday just becasue I think it's healthy.

I keep having construction dreams, it's usually a house where part of it is being renovated. I think it's about chaange about how im changing whether I like it or not.

One thing good that cam out of Bush's election (notice i don't say re-election because he was COURT...
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I like your Elvis tat! Wow your tongue is long eeek

Chow kiss
The election has kind of ruined me. I don't even want to vote ever again, and coming from me that is a profound statement. The way I am coping is by surrounding myself with gay friends and running out to get more ink. The idea for me behind getting more tattoos is it's just yet another thing that separates me from the intolerant.

Why are there people in the world that want to control other people? There is supposed to be a connection between agriculturalist, people controlling the land, and people moving towards controlling one another. This only worsened with industrialism. It was a matter of survival for hunter gathers to get along with one another and the land they lived on, otherwise they would die.

I am just trying to figure it all out. Good thing I wasn't born in the segregated south during the "good-old-days." I would have been lynched for sure.


Looking for a job makes me realize i don't belong here. Not just in Seattle, but on this planet or at least in this moment of time. I'm supposed to care about a career Im supposed to want to strive to make society better. Productive member Productive member i've got a productive member for your fucking society, but society already gave me a member and...
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so true...I dread finding a new job...
luff is trying to find a job, too, here in seattle. there was a job for a pizza delivery person at the zeke's downtown, and something like 70 people applied in 48 hours. frown
I lost my job a week ago. Which is actually a GOOD thing since my boss was a dickhead and the new owners want me to kiss their asses most of the time. SO today Im going to check out Worksource and see if they got some re-training classes I can take. I figure if I had some skill that is recession-proof I''d be happy....
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