Just irritated and whiney alot
It seems like this boring shitty ass weekend I had is just carrying over to my work week. I liked my job, it was fun, new and exciting. Now it just seems like its a routine that I have to deal with every day, day in and day out. Im not using my degree and im not making the money that I should be making.
My family is hounding me to get my resume out, get back into shape, and start being more active. My uncle is giving me resumes of his friends and co-workers that are like a mile long. And he expects me to use them to build mine. How am I supposed to do that when mine is barely and I mean BARELY gonna take up a page. I have some experience in what I went to school for, but for the most part thats all I have is school.
I hate not having all the free time and freedom. Atleast at school when I wasn't doing anything I could go work out or go to a freinds house. Here I dont have that. I also dont have football. I miss playing sports everyday. I played college ball and loved it. NOw I dont have that anymore and it really is shitty. I get off work and just jump on the computer or eat something. And that is Every day.
I jsut wish I could find the motivation to do something. i am trying to eat healthy and be more active but is so hard. I am just in a funk, sorry for carrying on, but sometimes its just nice to be able to write shit down and get it out there. I just wish that something would happen that would spark something inside for me to get going and be happy again, not so down and bored all the time....
And living at home I have to deal with all the bull shit that goes with it. My parents and I live in a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood. It costs alot of money and my parents are always fighting about money an how much it costs to live here. And see how much it affects everything we do. And i dont want to live pay check to paycheck like they do. We are ok, but I dont want to be ok, an sometimes it just feels like im treading water scared to start swimming in one direction. Like im just waiting for someone to come pick me up and hand me everything. So stupid, but how do you make the decision to start going in a direction....
It seems like this boring shitty ass weekend I had is just carrying over to my work week. I liked my job, it was fun, new and exciting. Now it just seems like its a routine that I have to deal with every day, day in and day out. Im not using my degree and im not making the money that I should be making.
My family is hounding me to get my resume out, get back into shape, and start being more active. My uncle is giving me resumes of his friends and co-workers that are like a mile long. And he expects me to use them to build mine. How am I supposed to do that when mine is barely and I mean BARELY gonna take up a page. I have some experience in what I went to school for, but for the most part thats all I have is school.
I hate not having all the free time and freedom. Atleast at school when I wasn't doing anything I could go work out or go to a freinds house. Here I dont have that. I also dont have football. I miss playing sports everyday. I played college ball and loved it. NOw I dont have that anymore and it really is shitty. I get off work and just jump on the computer or eat something. And that is Every day.
I jsut wish I could find the motivation to do something. i am trying to eat healthy and be more active but is so hard. I am just in a funk, sorry for carrying on, but sometimes its just nice to be able to write shit down and get it out there. I just wish that something would happen that would spark something inside for me to get going and be happy again, not so down and bored all the time....
And living at home I have to deal with all the bull shit that goes with it. My parents and I live in a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood. It costs alot of money and my parents are always fighting about money an how much it costs to live here. And see how much it affects everything we do. And i dont want to live pay check to paycheck like they do. We are ok, but I dont want to be ok, an sometimes it just feels like im treading water scared to start swimming in one direction. Like im just waiting for someone to come pick me up and hand me everything. So stupid, but how do you make the decision to start going in a direction....