school's out!
All I have to worry about are a few exams and I'm home free. Then school stress gets replaced by moving to Calgary stress.
I think I'm going to apply for a few more groups today. I'm still a little shy around SG.
classes are over!! <---- is excited.
secretive, maybe, but if one gets to know me i think there would be a slight letdown =P
so remember that time i was totally and completely jealous of you?...oh wait, that was right now confused

i don't graduate til next may. fuck.
Still working on that paper, but making good time on it. I scrapped everything I did yesterday and started over. I can't wait to be finished, then I don't have any schoolwork for a week until my archeology final.

It's so gorgeous outside, I don't want to be trapped in here. I think I'll sit out on my deck tonight, read an old national geographic...
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It sucks that my very first blog has to be so lame, but this is life during any given finals week.

Well it's not actually <i>finals</i> week per se, but it's that last week of school when I'm trying to get all my shit together and finish up papers, like the one I'm working on now. I'm looking at capuchin vs spider monkey fur rubbing...
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welcome to SG biggrin
you're very welcome. nobody told me anything when i joined. you'll figure out the rest as ya go along but thought it'd be nice to share the basics haha