Not quite sure what to say here.
That was a really difficult experience, I'm totally not happy with the way things turned out, but for once in my SG life, I won't open up about it.
wow huh? pica_pica isn't going to go off on some long winded expose of dramatic recollection.
Its gonna snow.
I made it to work on time, fought hard to keep my train of thought on the bits, bytes and pixels of what continues to pay my rent and buy Morgans dog food, but by the time 2:00pm rolled around I started to lose the battle to the nausea.
I walked out into the production area, flooded with those fluorescent lights, and mentioned to the guys that I was most likely going to be going home early.
One of the guys looked at me and said:
wow dude, thats creepy. You are ACTUALLY green.
I left at 3:15, slowly rode my bike back downtown, and when I finally got back inside this apartment, I made a point of looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I was surprised to find myself conceding to his assessment.
I so hate to make people sad. Hate it.
Even people I don't know, I'll feel bad for it if I know I've somehow made them sad. But when it comes to people I really care about, it's so much worse. Almost unbearable.
Sometimes, however, its simply the harsh result of doing the right thing.
That was a really difficult experience, I'm totally not happy with the way things turned out, but for once in my SG life, I won't open up about it.
wow huh? pica_pica isn't going to go off on some long winded expose of dramatic recollection.
Its gonna snow.
I made it to work on time, fought hard to keep my train of thought on the bits, bytes and pixels of what continues to pay my rent and buy Morgans dog food, but by the time 2:00pm rolled around I started to lose the battle to the nausea.
I walked out into the production area, flooded with those fluorescent lights, and mentioned to the guys that I was most likely going to be going home early.
One of the guys looked at me and said:
wow dude, thats creepy. You are ACTUALLY green.
I left at 3:15, slowly rode my bike back downtown, and when I finally got back inside this apartment, I made a point of looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I was surprised to find myself conceding to his assessment.
I so hate to make people sad. Hate it.
Even people I don't know, I'll feel bad for it if I know I've somehow made them sad. But when it comes to people I really care about, it's so much worse. Almost unbearable.
Sometimes, however, its simply the harsh result of doing the right thing.

Hope you feel better. I also tend to hate making people sad, because I hardly ever do it. People make me sad quite a bit more often.
"get better" vibes heading your way (you have to share them with Lucy tho