Ok, well that was fun.
I seriously have to make that a more important part of my life. Tickets were only like $35, the show pretty much started at 8:00 with Camper Van Beethoven, who I was really looking forward to seeing. I was a fan of theirs SO long ago.. it wrapped up with the last song from Modest Mouse at like 10:45 and I was able to quick hoof it home in 13 minutes. Man I was truckin.
Cowboy truckin.
Granville Cowboy truckin and hummin, So its 11:11 when I walk in the door, I didnt actually have to spend that much cash, and I can easily get a good nights sleep in and get up for a productive day at the office.
Geeeeeeeeezer! But yeah, that shits important to me these days. I know still outta control
So anyways, the gig, starting with CVB.
Should I say I was disappointed with them? No, I shouldnt say that. But Im gonna.
Sorry guys, I really love LISTENING to your music, and I totally respect what your part was in the creation of this sound that so many bands seem to have today. But
Maybe it was because we were so far back in the theatre, or maybe it was the tiny little video projector they were using that wasnt set up properly with the keystoning all off, or maybe it was simply the fact that the guys just didnt seem to have a lot of stage presence?
I just had flashbacks to when I was like 17 in the basement of The Passion Pit in Calgary watching my friends jam.
The crowd was SO eclectic. It was probably the biggest spread of people I have ever seen at a concert. I bet I saw a lot of yall down there. I also saw your mom, your mechanic and your proctologist. The security guard from your local bank was there too, but he wasnt working.
For a couple of bands that have been around for 20 and 12 years respectively, I was totally surprised by the huge amount of people there that seemed to still be in highschool.
I found my mind wandering a lot while camper van Beethoven were on stage. I kept catching myself totally not paying attention and thinking about work.
Everytime I did this, I would give myself a mental slap upside the head and try to take in the audio pleasure. 5 minutes later, same song and Im thinking about work. Fuck.
A funny moment came though, when they finally broke into Take the Skin Heads Bowling, and the crowd clued into the song a few bars into it and started cheering much more loudly.. the lead singer says:
ahh, NOW you know who we are. Yeah, we wrote that for all of you under 21ers in the crowd
Modest Mouse, on the other hand, was amazing. Holy shit that Issac Brock has energy! Those guys are really quite the musicians.
2 drummers, 4 and sometimes 5 other guys including the lead singer, and these guys switched instruments so many times I lost track of who was playing what. The cello, stand-up bass, violin, keyboards, numerous guitars, banjo.
My only complaint (if its even a complaint for live gigs) is that Modest Mouse has a really intricate sound when you are just listening to the produced CD. A real tapestry.
Live though, it was really hard to pick it all up. It quite often just became a wall of sound.
I could SEE the guy playing the violin, but no matter how hard I concentrated and tried to pick that sound out, I simply couldnt catch it. Same thing with the Cello for a lot of it. Same with the lyrics.
But still. I am thinking that was a bit of a recharge. A little blip in my flatline.

I seriously have to make that a more important part of my life. Tickets were only like $35, the show pretty much started at 8:00 with Camper Van Beethoven, who I was really looking forward to seeing. I was a fan of theirs SO long ago.. it wrapped up with the last song from Modest Mouse at like 10:45 and I was able to quick hoof it home in 13 minutes. Man I was truckin.
Cowboy truckin.
Granville Cowboy truckin and hummin, So its 11:11 when I walk in the door, I didnt actually have to spend that much cash, and I can easily get a good nights sleep in and get up for a productive day at the office.
Geeeeeeeeezer! But yeah, that shits important to me these days. I know still outta control
So anyways, the gig, starting with CVB.
Should I say I was disappointed with them? No, I shouldnt say that. But Im gonna.
Sorry guys, I really love LISTENING to your music, and I totally respect what your part was in the creation of this sound that so many bands seem to have today. But
Maybe it was because we were so far back in the theatre, or maybe it was the tiny little video projector they were using that wasnt set up properly with the keystoning all off, or maybe it was simply the fact that the guys just didnt seem to have a lot of stage presence?
I just had flashbacks to when I was like 17 in the basement of The Passion Pit in Calgary watching my friends jam.
The crowd was SO eclectic. It was probably the biggest spread of people I have ever seen at a concert. I bet I saw a lot of yall down there. I also saw your mom, your mechanic and your proctologist. The security guard from your local bank was there too, but he wasnt working.
For a couple of bands that have been around for 20 and 12 years respectively, I was totally surprised by the huge amount of people there that seemed to still be in highschool.
I found my mind wandering a lot while camper van Beethoven were on stage. I kept catching myself totally not paying attention and thinking about work.
Everytime I did this, I would give myself a mental slap upside the head and try to take in the audio pleasure. 5 minutes later, same song and Im thinking about work. Fuck.
A funny moment came though, when they finally broke into Take the Skin Heads Bowling, and the crowd clued into the song a few bars into it and started cheering much more loudly.. the lead singer says:
ahh, NOW you know who we are. Yeah, we wrote that for all of you under 21ers in the crowd
Modest Mouse, on the other hand, was amazing. Holy shit that Issac Brock has energy! Those guys are really quite the musicians.
2 drummers, 4 and sometimes 5 other guys including the lead singer, and these guys switched instruments so many times I lost track of who was playing what. The cello, stand-up bass, violin, keyboards, numerous guitars, banjo.
My only complaint (if its even a complaint for live gigs) is that Modest Mouse has a really intricate sound when you are just listening to the produced CD. A real tapestry.
Live though, it was really hard to pick it all up. It quite often just became a wall of sound.
I could SEE the guy playing the violin, but no matter how hard I concentrated and tried to pick that sound out, I simply couldnt catch it. Same thing with the Cello for a lot of it. Same with the lyrics.
But still. I am thinking that was a bit of a recharge. A little blip in my flatline.

It's sounds like you had a good time.