ok, I have to append to yesterday's comment on the hot creepy girl...
Admittedly, when I first simply saw the main page, I was like "whoa, hello there." but that was about it. It wasn't until after I read the bio, that she launched over the rail from being 'kinda pretty' in that pretty way, to being HAWT.
I mean, she's got that look goin on, but to combine that with an active role in animal welfare, and an artistic flair....
The artist has a deep respect and appreciation for animals and the natural world. She is an amateur naturalist participating in wildlife conservation and rehabilitation. None of the animals used in her work are hunting trophies or were killed for the purpose of using them in these projects. Specimens are roadkill, discarded livestock, destroyed nuisance animals, casualties of the pet trade, or died of natural causes. A strict "waste not, want not" policy is adhered to in the studio - virtually every part of the animal is utilized in some fashion. The artist does not view a dead animal as disgusting or repugnant; she feels that all creatures exhibit their beauty in death as well as in life. The animals are resurrected to another level of beauty as she fashions them into her works of art.
Speaking of creepy, my dreams were. And I am totally choked to not have been able to remember them. She-who-used-to-be was is them, and it was something to do with her having to put down the rest of the cats. It wasn't her that was telling me or something though, it was some other woman. I seem to have had a bunch of those last night.
Anyways, I have to go to work now.
I REALLY tried to get today off because I had a sandy reservation down at WreckBeach. However, fucking responsibilities keep getting in the way of my leisure.
Chin up, tail down y'all.
Admittedly, when I first simply saw the main page, I was like "whoa, hello there." but that was about it. It wasn't until after I read the bio, that she launched over the rail from being 'kinda pretty' in that pretty way, to being HAWT.
I mean, she's got that look goin on, but to combine that with an active role in animal welfare, and an artistic flair....
The artist has a deep respect and appreciation for animals and the natural world. She is an amateur naturalist participating in wildlife conservation and rehabilitation. None of the animals used in her work are hunting trophies or were killed for the purpose of using them in these projects. Specimens are roadkill, discarded livestock, destroyed nuisance animals, casualties of the pet trade, or died of natural causes. A strict "waste not, want not" policy is adhered to in the studio - virtually every part of the animal is utilized in some fashion. The artist does not view a dead animal as disgusting or repugnant; she feels that all creatures exhibit their beauty in death as well as in life. The animals are resurrected to another level of beauty as she fashions them into her works of art.
Speaking of creepy, my dreams were. And I am totally choked to not have been able to remember them. She-who-used-to-be was is them, and it was something to do with her having to put down the rest of the cats. It wasn't her that was telling me or something though, it was some other woman. I seem to have had a bunch of those last night.
Anyways, I have to go to work now.
Chin up, tail down y'all.
"Oh god could it be the weather,
Oh God Why am I here?
If Love isn't forever,
And it's not the weather,
Hand me my leather."
-Tori Amos