dreamt of a Tsunami last night. I was standing down at English Bay Beach, when I saw the tide go out out out. Thank you incessant media for my knowing what that means.
I turned and ran screaming "TSUNAMI" at the top of my lungs, but the sand was more the consistency of deep powder snow, so the running was slow. Not only that, but all of the people I was trying to warn had already left. The beach was empty save for me.
I also dreamed of she-who-used-to-be-referred-to-as-her last night. I don't think my brain allows that much. It wasn't very much out of the ordinary as far as dreams go. We simply met up somewhere outside and talked. We talked and then we hugged and we both cried a bit. She said to me in a sniffling smile: "you're so weird".
The only thing that was out of the ordinary about that dream was that her face was painted completely in blue. Not a dark blue, not a light blue. Just a pure blue.
I suppose that dream could have had something to do with the fact that she's been upfront in my thoughts alot these last couple of days.
A couple of months ago, the first time I became very concerned with Nemo's health, and started to understand that he may have to be put down. I emailed her and let her know that he was very sick, and asked her if the situation arose where I may have to put him down, would she want to be alerted by me? Would she want to be there?
She never responded.
I really fought with myself on Monday. Personally, my own code told me that it was only right that she know. It was only right that I give her the respect of a call to let her know. My logic spoke up then though, and said no dude, you already have. No answer. Thats your answer.
I guess a big part of me cant believe that. She spent more than a decade of her life living with that cat, and if she loves all animals as much as she has always said, then of course she would want to be there.
Well, I didnt try to contact her. I took him there by myself, and only Morgan and I said bye. Thats been bugging me for the last couple of days, so thats probably the prelude to that totally not abstract dream.
Speaking of dreams. I got an email response from Dr. Dreamy.
it was a pleasure meeting you.
I am not sure on the guidlines between doctors and ex-patients, however I am currently in a relationship.
I am non-the-less flattered by the purely curious enquiry into protocol.
warm regards
Heh heh, That was actually kinda fun.
I turned and ran screaming "TSUNAMI" at the top of my lungs, but the sand was more the consistency of deep powder snow, so the running was slow. Not only that, but all of the people I was trying to warn had already left. The beach was empty save for me.
I also dreamed of she-who-used-to-be-referred-to-as-her last night. I don't think my brain allows that much. It wasn't very much out of the ordinary as far as dreams go. We simply met up somewhere outside and talked. We talked and then we hugged and we both cried a bit. She said to me in a sniffling smile: "you're so weird".
The only thing that was out of the ordinary about that dream was that her face was painted completely in blue. Not a dark blue, not a light blue. Just a pure blue.
I suppose that dream could have had something to do with the fact that she's been upfront in my thoughts alot these last couple of days.
A couple of months ago, the first time I became very concerned with Nemo's health, and started to understand that he may have to be put down. I emailed her and let her know that he was very sick, and asked her if the situation arose where I may have to put him down, would she want to be alerted by me? Would she want to be there?
She never responded.
I really fought with myself on Monday. Personally, my own code told me that it was only right that she know. It was only right that I give her the respect of a call to let her know. My logic spoke up then though, and said no dude, you already have. No answer. Thats your answer.
I guess a big part of me cant believe that. She spent more than a decade of her life living with that cat, and if she loves all animals as much as she has always said, then of course she would want to be there.
Well, I didnt try to contact her. I took him there by myself, and only Morgan and I said bye. Thats been bugging me for the last couple of days, so thats probably the prelude to that totally not abstract dream.
Speaking of dreams. I got an email response from Dr. Dreamy.
it was a pleasure meeting you.
I am not sure on the guidlines between doctors and ex-patients, however I am currently in a relationship.
I am non-the-less flattered by the purely curious enquiry into protocol.
warm regards
Heh heh, That was actually kinda fun.
Wow dude, Im impressed with your self confidance, I am way to shy to actually email someone like that. Also I take rejection way to hard so Id be a lump for the next week due to that very pleasantly written email. Cheers to that