R.I.P Nemo.
December 1989 - April 4th, 2005
we're gonna miss you lil guy.
I can't just leave it at that. That just fucking sucked. I've had that cat since I moved here in 89. I got him as a kitten.
My room-mate's cat at the time (old shep) got pregnant by the siamese next door, and right around christmas time, she finally emerged from whereever it was she had her litter at, but we never saw any kittens.
Then about a week later, this one little grey kitten comes out from behind the wall in the closet. Apparently her only kitten.
I was dead set against getting my own cat, but he had these two black stripes on the base of his spine, and they looked freakishly the same as the tribal dolphin tattoo's I had on the small of my back at the time. Thus the sea-faring name of Captain Nemo.
Course, he became mine, and he's been through everything with me.
I was able to get him in this afternoon at 4:15, so I left work early and came home to search for him. I finally found him behind the bookshelf under the heater. I hated having to forcibly remove him from in behind there, he howled at me.
I finally got him into the cat transport box, and let Morgan have a little lick on his face before I closed the door.
The vet agreed that it was pretty bad, and we just made the call there on the spot.
They let me spend some time with him first though, they gave him a sedative and left me alone with him in there for around 10 minutes while that shot kicked in. Him and I had a long talk about the good ol' days, reminiscing about the time Ryder put him on the garage roof. How he'd go so batshit over catnip, he slowly rolled over onto his side, and I layed his limp head in my hand, stroking his ears. He purred.
Then they came back in with the electric razor and the syringe.
I got them to put the hair they shaved off his leg into a little plastic ziplock... I don't know what I am going to do with that hair yet, but when I get the urn of ashes back in a few weeks, I'll come up with something eternal.
Then, I just held his head, leaned over him, gave him a little kiss on the forehead, stroked his cheek and bawled my fuckin eyes out when they did the injection...
This may sound incredibly cheezy, but as I saw his chest stop moving, I made sure my tears fell in his own eyes, and then on his fur. I wanted to give him my purest gift to take with him.
I don't have much more to say about this.
I guess I should get rid of the litter box, his food bowl... scratching post and toys. I really don't want to have to deal with that right now, not just getting back from that.... but I also don't want it sitting there, reminding me.
Carmina Burana from Carl Orff is currently playing on CBC radio. I am picturing him hearing that as he rockets through the fields of catnip towards Gimpy.
(now you be nice, Neem. She's only little.)
December 1989 - April 4th, 2005
we're gonna miss you lil guy.
I can't just leave it at that. That just fucking sucked. I've had that cat since I moved here in 89. I got him as a kitten.
My room-mate's cat at the time (old shep) got pregnant by the siamese next door, and right around christmas time, she finally emerged from whereever it was she had her litter at, but we never saw any kittens.
Then about a week later, this one little grey kitten comes out from behind the wall in the closet. Apparently her only kitten.
I was dead set against getting my own cat, but he had these two black stripes on the base of his spine, and they looked freakishly the same as the tribal dolphin tattoo's I had on the small of my back at the time. Thus the sea-faring name of Captain Nemo.
Course, he became mine, and he's been through everything with me.
I was able to get him in this afternoon at 4:15, so I left work early and came home to search for him. I finally found him behind the bookshelf under the heater. I hated having to forcibly remove him from in behind there, he howled at me.
I finally got him into the cat transport box, and let Morgan have a little lick on his face before I closed the door.
The vet agreed that it was pretty bad, and we just made the call there on the spot.
They let me spend some time with him first though, they gave him a sedative and left me alone with him in there for around 10 minutes while that shot kicked in. Him and I had a long talk about the good ol' days, reminiscing about the time Ryder put him on the garage roof. How he'd go so batshit over catnip, he slowly rolled over onto his side, and I layed his limp head in my hand, stroking his ears. He purred.
Then they came back in with the electric razor and the syringe.
I got them to put the hair they shaved off his leg into a little plastic ziplock... I don't know what I am going to do with that hair yet, but when I get the urn of ashes back in a few weeks, I'll come up with something eternal.
Then, I just held his head, leaned over him, gave him a little kiss on the forehead, stroked his cheek and bawled my fuckin eyes out when they did the injection...
This may sound incredibly cheezy, but as I saw his chest stop moving, I made sure my tears fell in his own eyes, and then on his fur. I wanted to give him my purest gift to take with him.
I don't have much more to say about this.
I guess I should get rid of the litter box, his food bowl... scratching post and toys. I really don't want to have to deal with that right now, not just getting back from that.... but I also don't want it sitting there, reminding me.
Carmina Burana from Carl Orff is currently playing on CBC radio. I am picturing him hearing that as he rockets through the fields of catnip towards Gimpy.
(now you be nice, Neem. She's only little.)
Sorry about your kitty. That's too bad. I love my pets more than I love most people, so I know how you feel. Many hugs.
I'm sorry.