Today my friends Allison & Sherrie are going in for their C-Section and coming home with a boy and a girl! Woohoo! Totally exciting!
The man has been working mucho overtime. Which means Ive been being hella domestic. However being the klutz I am, I fell carrying the laundry and now cant bend my knee lol. I'm sure itll be ok by tomorrow. Tomorrow is our dinner/movie date with my Nanny <grandma>. She requested to watch Hairspray haha. I thought that was cute.
Ohhhh my brother is engaged now. Which is weird. But good.
anyhooo, ask me a question!

The man has been working mucho overtime. Which means Ive been being hella domestic. However being the klutz I am, I fell carrying the laundry and now cant bend my knee lol. I'm sure itll be ok by tomorrow. Tomorrow is our dinner/movie date with my Nanny <grandma>. She requested to watch Hairspray haha. I thought that was cute.
Ohhhh my brother is engaged now. Which is weird. But good.
anyhooo, ask me a question!

he's my love and everything you know this girl you been around since the get go.