Ugh I need to be sleeping because I have to deal with appealing to my insurance company to tell them I NEED to see the specialist <endocrinologist>, but they say its not covered, the first visit that is, which makes no sense. I hate insurance its confusing and makes me cry, ya know what I mean?
So instead of sleeping I'm watching cmt cribs because it was Kenny Rogers, dood! Seriously the only thing better would be Dolly. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE me some Dolly.
Few people actually know that for my honeymoon I went to KY to Mammoth Cave and stayed in these little pods of a hotel shaped like teepees. We did this because it was my Nanny & Poppys 50th that year and it was like a tribute. It ruled anyhow
Then we rented a cabin on a horse farm, they made us good ole kentucky backwoods food everyday, itwas fab! Then we went to Dollywood and Dolly stampepe LMAO I shit you not
which HARDCORELY ruled. Ended up in Smokey Mountain National Park, oh what a honeymoon. We canoed a huge crazy 4 hour river, hiked in caverns and mountains, rode horses, did a paddleboat and more. Its weird because my younger brother is preparing to get engaged to his gf of 7 years. To hear them talk about their wedding plans <huge and scary 500 people>, to see her huge gaudy ring, and to hear all the stuff they want just for the wedding and not their liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife together its like it just makes me happy I found someone who knows that shit doesnt matter, who was happy with a wedding all involved under 100 people, small unconventional cakes and everything.
Right now in michigan, 20 miles from detroit its snowing
I watched kung fu panda and FREAKING LOVED IT lol. Did you see the cake Duff from Ace of Cakes made for tha tmovie? whoa it even had fog lol

So instead of sleeping I'm watching cmt cribs because it was Kenny Rogers, dood! Seriously the only thing better would be Dolly. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE me some Dolly.

Right now in michigan, 20 miles from detroit its snowing

I watched kung fu panda and FREAKING LOVED IT lol. Did you see the cake Duff from Ace of Cakes made for tha tmovie? whoa it even had fog lol