My new interest in sewing fab clothing has been inspired by Mary Kate. She is definitely a fierce muse. 

Although I have to admit that Zooey Deschanel is up there with Mary Kate and Ashley.
Who inspires you to get creative? Fill me in, I'm curious.
Ive been doing xmas shopping and have already done Dad,Mom,Brother and his girlfriend. Need to get my hubby a Wii game that I cant find anywhere. Have you started shopping? Anything you cant find? I havent been able to find a wii fit since they came out, grrrrr
other than all that i've been.........
enjoying my hubby
playing with my dogs and spoiling them with toys
cooking new recipes, and even tried pork <lol big deal for me, i never ate it before>
exercising with my Mommy
rocking awesome shawls and wraps
watching 80's movies
falling in love with macauley culkin
going to therapy weekly and my psychiatrist every 2 months, its working out rad
growing my hair out after a shorrrrt cut a while back, almost to ponytail length
how bout you?

Although I have to admit that Zooey Deschanel is up there with Mary Kate and Ashley.

Who inspires you to get creative? Fill me in, I'm curious.
Ive been doing xmas shopping and have already done Dad,Mom,Brother and his girlfriend. Need to get my hubby a Wii game that I cant find anywhere. Have you started shopping? Anything you cant find? I havent been able to find a wii fit since they came out, grrrrr

other than all that i've been.........
enjoying my hubby

playing with my dogs and spoiling them with toys
cooking new recipes, and even tried pork <lol big deal for me, i never ate it before>
exercising with my Mommy
rocking awesome shawls and wraps
watching 80's movies
falling in love with macauley culkin
going to therapy weekly and my psychiatrist every 2 months, its working out rad
growing my hair out after a shorrrrt cut a while back, almost to ponytail length

how bout you?

The problem with being a sewer these days is that when people find out - they want you to make their wedding dress, or alter their bridesmaid dress, etc. Which is BORING!
Hope the Holidays were a blast....