I got my dog for 40 dollars 8 years ago. Last week we paid 2 THOUSAND dollars to get his leg fixed. That is just insanity!!! My amazing Uncle who lives in CT. the one who helped us with our bankruptcy lawyers <2 grand again>, he did this without anyone asking. SO amazing, and obviously my freakin guardian angel. You never know, its just like so unexpected. So I'm going to CT for at least a month to spend time with them in their mansion. Whoa. Should be interesting.
I started to get some intense fevers, then I'd get dizzy almost with a vertigo affect. I found out I was severely toxic on my Lithium levels, Im on an IV to flush everything, I had my stomach pumped. yadda yadda. Now I'm cold turkey from a med I was one for 3 years. Not fun.
Heres some pics...

I started to get some intense fevers, then I'd get dizzy almost with a vertigo affect. I found out I was severely toxic on my Lithium levels, Im on an IV to flush everything, I had my stomach pumped. yadda yadda. Now I'm cold turkey from a med I was one for 3 years. Not fun.
Heres some pics...

if so why are you so skinnnnny?????>>where's my hot mama <3 ya girly wanna see and talk to you so badly i can't even tell you.
dave fan for 10 plus years
favorite song now : where are you going
makes me think of josh <3
oh oh and dave played it last night which was uber romantic and made me think of josh...