I'm watching Tristan & Isolde. The passion, that love. Does that love even exist? It makes me ache. ugh.
Yes I could have my choice of boys, but the one that seems to be the one worth anything doesnt find me to be steady enough. I dont regret my past but I wish he understood more about me.
Thanksgiving was another day. I didnt eat, but I cooked. My brother broke a huge lamp while playing wii.
This week is filled with sewing, spending a ton of time at the gym, going to the hospital and dr apointments. Whats on your agenda?
My face in thine eyes, thine and mine appears
and true plain hearts in the faces rest
where can we find two better hemispheres
without sharp north
without declining west
whatever dies was not mixed equally
where two loves be one and thou and I love so
that none can second
none can die
Yes I could have my choice of boys, but the one that seems to be the one worth anything doesnt find me to be steady enough. I dont regret my past but I wish he understood more about me.
Thanksgiving was another day. I didnt eat, but I cooked. My brother broke a huge lamp while playing wii.
This week is filled with sewing, spending a ton of time at the gym, going to the hospital and dr apointments. Whats on your agenda?
My face in thine eyes, thine and mine appears
and true plain hearts in the faces rest
where can we find two better hemispheres
without sharp north
without declining west
whatever dies was not mixed equally
where two loves be one and thou and I love so
that none can second
none can die

Yeah we should go out sometime, Once I shake my damn cold we should rip up the town and slap love in the face!