The weekend was good

I've been detoxing myself from prescription meds and processed foods. Today I made Falafel from scratch, it was TASTEY!

Today we did the yard, I love doing the yard and being outside, getting dirty and stuff

I bought a new yoga mat, its pink and tangerine. I hope to become really amazing at Yoga one day and to use/teach it for healing purposes.

Here are some NEW CREATIONS

This new light now adorns my pumpkin orange living room! woot!

I'm on a huge little house on the prairie kick!!!! one day i'd LOVE a replica of The Ingalls house

and i'd like to thank wiretripper for rad convos

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I think Lee, the gay one so i'm gonna go with that. Yea he's a looker that one. Everyone thinks so it's so funny everyone meets him and after he leaves they're all like WOW he's cuuuute! Even DUDES!! *LOL It's so funny.
We're hung out since grade nine actually, he's always been cute he really hasn't changed that must actually. He used to be a lot more twink like....not that he can help it that's just how he is but he's settled a bit. Been with the same guy for like 4 years which is good for him.
Again sorry about the zoo, I may be there in October, hopefully for longer so I'll be able to get more stuff done! Hope ur well sweetheart.