whew. they had layoffs where i work and i'm still standing...with way more work but i'm thankful regardless. it's frustrating in that i finally felt like things were going the way they need to for me to feel like i belonged there and now it's all disrupted. and as always, the fear that there will be another round. at least i've still got a couple of my closest work buddies around to joke with, lunch with and laugh with.
holidays...hurry up, i need a vacation
holidays...hurry up, i need a vacation

Even though I've only been at my job for about four months now, I already have a bit of insulation built into my position. There are now two drivers (out of 7 total) hired AFTER me. We seem to be in the fortunate position of not being greatly affected by recent economic uncertainty. Perhaps that's because my company sells essential products. People are always going to go to the can, so to speak.
Are you taking a holiday vacation? We're shutting down for two four-day weekends so it'll ALMOST feel like a couple of mini-vacations I think. If I weren't trying to reduce my debt I'd take a quick getaway to Vegas!