It stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens dropping from the chute, and asks himself, "is this all that there is?"
Timidly, an idea crawls out of the lesser used regions of IT's mind, the kind of regions perfect for making cheeses in. Dark places left unvisited for billions of years. Okay, so i don't really know anything about cheese making, but the idea charges right down IT's arm and he swings! And yes, it works! Beating! Beating is happening!
Timidly, an idea crawls out of the lesser used regions of IT's mind, the kind of regions perfect for making cheeses in. Dark places left unvisited for billions of years. Okay, so i don't really know anything about cheese making, but the idea charges right down IT's arm and he swings! And yes, it works! Beating! Beating is happening!
Heh... You owe me a beer or something dammit!!!
Tanks for da birthday greetings!!