Ok. So i have come to the conclusion that out of all of the animals on this planet there is one that needs to be exterminated. And this one creature is the mosquito. Now i believe that all of the animals on this planet serve some sort of a purpose and if the balance is upset then exsistance as we know it will come to an end. But i can make an exception to this. My hatred for them stems from the fact that whenever i step outside to smoke i loose a few pints of blood to mosquitos. I like my blood, it is mine, it does not need to be sucked out of my body by an animal with a straw for a mouth. it is not my fault that some glitch in the evolutionary chain left them to be the most annoying of the insects.
if anyone shares these feelings go ahead and contribute to the anti-mosquto movement i am starting.

I am therefore joining your movement. I actually bought a big fat citronella candle and some repellent when I went to the store today, because EVERY time I come over your place I get bit to shit. So sunday, remind me to fire that bastard up.
Although the mosquito has never done harm to me personally, exept for the occasional summer bite, I still will say they are pointless & icky.