Ah, there is so much to look forward to in the coming weeks. Sun, sand, and weather you don't need a shirt to go out in. Sure it's warmed up the the 40's here recently but I figure if it's going to be cold at all, it mnight as well snow. I'm hoping to go snowboarding at some point before I leave. I might as well fall on my ass while I have the chance
. Oh well, I gotta pack, and I feel mentally and emotionally taxed. Way too much crap rolling around my head at the moment.
We named the ferret: Foley
Why? I don't know he's not mine, but I do teach train him to get into trouble like any good hanai uncle should

We named the ferret: Foley
Why? I don't know he's not mine, but I do teach train him to get into trouble like any good hanai uncle should

Happy new year! Have any fun plans for the evening?
Some storyteller I must be, if peeps are still wondering about the bird! I fixed the last line.