We got it through Netflix, but we're going to go buy it now---that's one of the most awesome movies I've ever seen! We laughed the entire time, and not just a little---gasping for air because you can't stop laughing.
Apparently some part of the master cleanse didn't agree with me at all.
Went to the ER last Tuesday, and got checked out today, so my wife and in-laws decorated my room, and my parents and brother and his family drove down from Oregon to be here.
Hospitals suck. And I'm still not better---they just didn't know what... Read More
I don't think I'm drinking as much of this stuff as I should be, and I've skipped a couple of the salt water cleanses, but I feel a *whole* lot better already, and my wife says that my belly isn't that noticeable now.
This would be a hell of a lot easier if I didn't loathe molasses... Read More
Straight molasses is disgusting. I remember I tried that low carb diet once and it last like 4 days. I was craving carbohydrates so badly I was ready to push my children away from their wheat crackers and shovel them down my throat. Dieting is hard when you're the only one doing it.
I guess my brains are more scrambled than I thought. I also said earlier today that I had a "soar" throat. I had a PB & J sandwich for lunch...oh, and a nap.
i came out OK lol ughhh i been sleeping for like 2 days now and in a lil pain cheek in a lil swollen but it was better than what i though....yeah hill is nice we were station at eglin in fl for 5 years now we are at hill i liked eglin though tooo miss the beaches and the warm sun hope ur weekend was good!
Your life sounds much like mine. Only I have two girls, not one son. Husband's depressed. Daughters are often with their Dad visiting his relatives on important holidays. It's really hard taking care of two toddlers, but when they're gone I'm like "Okay, so I guess I can just sit and stare at the wall and miss my kids."
HAHAHA No I'm sure it wouldn't ruin anything for anyone. Lazy Saturdays are the best.. Today I had my first lazy sunday I have had in probably 3 months or more. it was wonderful!!!!
Thank you!!! and well... there was a demand for some pictures and I figured the webcam would be the fastest way for me to get them up. So.... When's coffee???
I might have to bump that film up my Netflix list.