Lazy day today. Hung out around the house. Did some computer work. Fired up the GameCube for a bit. Met with some of my favorite SG women and did some sexin'.
Er, make that: thought wistfully about meeting with some of my favorite SG women and doing some sexin'.
Damn, I need a girlfriend.
Or at least someone to cuddle...
In other news:
Trying out a new icon below. Let me know what you think!

Er, make that: thought wistfully about meeting with some of my favorite SG women and doing some sexin'.
Damn, I need a girlfriend.
Or at least someone to cuddle...
In other news:
Trying out a new icon below. Let me know what you think!

My handle (that means screenname, right?) is because one of my friends from college thought I looked like Ivan Drago, the Russian guy from the Rocky movie, and the nickname stuck. I found out later though that he thought all white people looked alike.