Just a couple of things for tonight.
First, I went Salsa dancing for the first time in probably five or six months. Had an *incredible* time! Danced with a lot of ladies, and generally had a lot of fun.
Weirdest moment of the evening: when I turned around and saw a guy I recognized, just as he said, "Wyatt? It's Reo---I cut your hair!" Sure enough, it's the guy who cuts my hair. Who knew he did Salsa?
Now, if you will indulge me for a moment.
I would like there to be complete silence in the room. Turn off you radios and pause your iTunes.
Something monumental has happened to me this evening.
Something I have been waiting all year for.
As I was going through my bookmarks page, looking at friends' journals, I saw what could only be described as a light, shining down from above. The rest of the room dimmed, clouds parted, and a host of Angels sang in glorious tribute to this moment.
In the middle of the page, I saw this:
*sniff* I think I'm going to cry...
The only possible thing I can say about this moment is:
Thank you, Sweetie!
First, I went Salsa dancing for the first time in probably five or six months. Had an *incredible* time! Danced with a lot of ladies, and generally had a lot of fun.
Weirdest moment of the evening: when I turned around and saw a guy I recognized, just as he said, "Wyatt? It's Reo---I cut your hair!" Sure enough, it's the guy who cuts my hair. Who knew he did Salsa?
Now, if you will indulge me for a moment.
I would like there to be complete silence in the room. Turn off you radios and pause your iTunes.
Something monumental has happened to me this evening.
Something I have been waiting all year for.
As I was going through my bookmarks page, looking at friends' journals, I saw what could only be described as a light, shining down from above. The rest of the room dimmed, clouds parted, and a host of Angels sang in glorious tribute to this moment.
In the middle of the page, I saw this:

*sniff* I think I'm going to cry...
The only possible thing I can say about this moment is:

Thank you, Sweetie!

oh goodness. you're the cutest nerd ever!

Hahahaha I forgot about that. Now I have Gangsta Gangsta segueing into Electric Six's "Gay Bar." EXCELSIOR!!!