Just to let you know, later on in this post is a yearly feature I like to call, Wyatt the Non-Sports-Fan's Super-Bowl Highlights. But first, some personal stuff.
Damn, I'm depressed.
I had a really great weekend. Had my son from Friday afternoon until this morning, and then went and watched the Super-Bowl with a good friend of mine. While I was up there, I was accepted as part of her family by her mother---one of the kindest, most compassionate, most personable, most loving, and generally one of the most amazing women I've ever met. On days with light traffic through LA (?!) I live about an hour away from her, and her mother said that as family, she'd give me a key to the house so I can come and go as I please.
But what all of that made me realize is that down here where I live, I really don't have any people who really share my interests or hobbies to hang out with. My best friends are both on the East coast, and one of them is moving to England in a bit. My brother, who probably gets me the most, is married and about to become a father, so he has more of his own life every day; and I feel more and more like an invader. Friends from work are pretty much that: working friends. I can go have lunch with them, or maybe do a movie on the weekends, but they just don't "get" me.
I was playing Taboo once, and the guy moving to England was on my team. If you aren't familiar with the game, you have a word you need to get you teammates to say ("signal" for this anecdote), but you can't use any of the other words on the card (I don't have the game, but say you couldn't use "traffic", "turn", "flare", or a couple of other related words). I looked straight at him, pointed, and said, "Solaris: Going down on a blank 15." Without thinking he shouted "Signal!" A point for our team. I need people who know me, and who find the same things interesting.
This will come out in the Super-Bowl bit, but in the first quarter the clock stopped at 3:14, and I shouted "Hey, it's stopped at pi time!" All of the eyes in the room nervously shifted towards me, gave me the "Yep, he's a geek" look, and then went back to watching the game. I need people who will be as amused by that as I am.
I need close friends. Heck, I need someone here I can call a best friend.
What's worse is that I'm now 30, and feel like I'm too old to be going out and making new friends. I know that's not the case, but what am I going to do? Go clubbing? Yeah, right. And that's assuming I have time to go out between work, school and the days I have with my son.
I'm finally at a point in my life where I have an excellent professional life---career path, goals, and a future---and I'm realizing I really don't have anyone to share it with.
It makes for a hollow victory.
And with that, on to:
Wyatt the Non-Sports-Fan's Super-Bowl Highlights
1. As previously mentioned, the clock stopped at 3:14 in the first quarter. I have no idea why, but it did, and that is what is important.
2. Funniest commercial: Jumping out of a plane for Bud Light.
3. Most Unbelievable commercial: Jumping out of a plane for Bud Light. Unbelievable because no one would jump out of a plane for a six-pack of that nasty, fizzy yellow piss-water.
4. Most Moving commercial: I got tears in my eyes at the commercial when the people at the airport cheered the soldiers as they came home. I completely disagree with what they are fighting for right now, but they are my people, and I still support them. Especially that red-headed one.
5. Honorable Mention: The FedEx commercial with Burt Reynalds, with the 10 things a successful Super-Bowl commercial needs. Very funny.
6. Not technically part of the Super-Bowl, but jumping into the non-heated swimming pool coming from the jacuzzi, and then going straight back to the hot tub was nice and invigorating...
That's it for me tonight. Sweet dreams, folks.
Damn, I'm depressed.
I had a really great weekend. Had my son from Friday afternoon until this morning, and then went and watched the Super-Bowl with a good friend of mine. While I was up there, I was accepted as part of her family by her mother---one of the kindest, most compassionate, most personable, most loving, and generally one of the most amazing women I've ever met. On days with light traffic through LA (?!) I live about an hour away from her, and her mother said that as family, she'd give me a key to the house so I can come and go as I please.
But what all of that made me realize is that down here where I live, I really don't have any people who really share my interests or hobbies to hang out with. My best friends are both on the East coast, and one of them is moving to England in a bit. My brother, who probably gets me the most, is married and about to become a father, so he has more of his own life every day; and I feel more and more like an invader. Friends from work are pretty much that: working friends. I can go have lunch with them, or maybe do a movie on the weekends, but they just don't "get" me.
I was playing Taboo once, and the guy moving to England was on my team. If you aren't familiar with the game, you have a word you need to get you teammates to say ("signal" for this anecdote), but you can't use any of the other words on the card (I don't have the game, but say you couldn't use "traffic", "turn", "flare", or a couple of other related words). I looked straight at him, pointed, and said, "Solaris: Going down on a blank 15." Without thinking he shouted "Signal!" A point for our team. I need people who know me, and who find the same things interesting.
This will come out in the Super-Bowl bit, but in the first quarter the clock stopped at 3:14, and I shouted "Hey, it's stopped at pi time!" All of the eyes in the room nervously shifted towards me, gave me the "Yep, he's a geek" look, and then went back to watching the game. I need people who will be as amused by that as I am.
I need close friends. Heck, I need someone here I can call a best friend.
What's worse is that I'm now 30, and feel like I'm too old to be going out and making new friends. I know that's not the case, but what am I going to do? Go clubbing? Yeah, right. And that's assuming I have time to go out between work, school and the days I have with my son.
I'm finally at a point in my life where I have an excellent professional life---career path, goals, and a future---and I'm realizing I really don't have anyone to share it with.
It makes for a hollow victory.
And with that, on to:
Wyatt the Non-Sports-Fan's Super-Bowl Highlights
1. As previously mentioned, the clock stopped at 3:14 in the first quarter. I have no idea why, but it did, and that is what is important.
2. Funniest commercial: Jumping out of a plane for Bud Light.
3. Most Unbelievable commercial: Jumping out of a plane for Bud Light. Unbelievable because no one would jump out of a plane for a six-pack of that nasty, fizzy yellow piss-water.
4. Most Moving commercial: I got tears in my eyes at the commercial when the people at the airport cheered the soldiers as they came home. I completely disagree with what they are fighting for right now, but they are my people, and I still support them. Especially that red-headed one.
5. Honorable Mention: The FedEx commercial with Burt Reynalds, with the 10 things a successful Super-Bowl commercial needs. Very funny.
6. Not technically part of the Super-Bowl, but jumping into the non-heated swimming pool coming from the jacuzzi, and then going straight back to the hot tub was nice and invigorating...

That's it for me tonight. Sweet dreams, folks.

But youth is on his side and mine- and even if he realizes it too late, both of us can move on. I was just hoping I didn't have to.
I think that might upset my boyfriend, but thanks.