Not a big update today. Couple pics and news bits.
My apologies for not updating sooner, but my biopsy came back fine, so apparently a slightly enlarged liver that elevates some sort of something in my blood-work came standard when I first adopted this body.
Pretty sure the warranty has expired, so I'll have to make due.
Around the start of the holidays I traded my liver anxiety for a nice, common cold. Eventually, that turned into just a hacking cough that wouldn't go away. A week ago, the cough decided it was done with my throat, and started to migrate from my throat down into my lungs. A few hours ago, I got back from Urgent Care with prescriptions to treat bronchitis.
It's going to be great when I can breath normally again.
And now, a couple of recent photos of my son in sports mode, for the heck of it.
Little story behind this next one. He was dancing to somebody performing "live" (read: lip-synced) for New Years Eve to entertain us at the house. One of the performers adopted the canonical hip-hop pose, and he imitated it on the spot. We nearly died laughing.
As none of us were left in a state where we could even breath, let alone do anything involving quick reflexes such as grab a camera, he dutifully recreated his pose for us at a later time, when we were able to capture it on film.
I'm off to suck down some NyQuill (properly served in a shot glass) and peacefully drift down into a coughing, hacking, oxygen-deprived fitful slumber.
My apologies for not updating sooner, but my biopsy came back fine, so apparently a slightly enlarged liver that elevates some sort of something in my blood-work came standard when I first adopted this body.
Pretty sure the warranty has expired, so I'll have to make due.
Around the start of the holidays I traded my liver anxiety for a nice, common cold. Eventually, that turned into just a hacking cough that wouldn't go away. A week ago, the cough decided it was done with my throat, and started to migrate from my throat down into my lungs. A few hours ago, I got back from Urgent Care with prescriptions to treat bronchitis.
It's going to be great when I can breath normally again.
And now, a couple of recent photos of my son in sports mode, for the heck of it.

Little story behind this next one. He was dancing to somebody performing "live" (read: lip-synced) for New Years Eve to entertain us at the house. One of the performers adopted the canonical hip-hop pose, and he imitated it on the spot. We nearly died laughing.
As none of us were left in a state where we could even breath, let alone do anything involving quick reflexes such as grab a camera, he dutifully recreated his pose for us at a later time, when we were able to capture it on film.

I'm off to suck down some NyQuill (properly served in a shot glass) and peacefully drift down into a coughing, hacking, oxygen-deprived fitful slumber.

Thanks for your suggestion. I may give it a try anyways.