alright, i'm here in college in my dorm and shit but my roomate hasn't been here yet. well, he's been here but for like a second i guess. shit, it's only a shirt and a small pair of jeans in his closet. dunno what's up with that. later SG. shocked
Hi. smile
whew. the park was mellow today. it's always rad to catch it at that moment when only little kids are there. got in a few grinds on the box there, nothing else...i get this weird feeling everytime i roll into the park..people look at me like "whoa, a black dude with braids and a skateboard.." puke
damn. chillin at home all day by myself. wouldn't mind hittin up the skatepark...
rad. just bought one of the baddest assed skateboard videos of all time on ebay for five bucks (three dollars more for shipping). you mighta heard of it, p.j. ladd's wonderful, horrible life. i myself have never seen it, one of the many i haven't seen. i hear it's rad, anyhou..it's time for bed..gotta move into my dorm tomorrow. frown later SG.