today was an easy day for my photography business. I had a small wedding in a bread & breakfast with a total of five people and then four headshot sessions in the studio at the same time and one model updating her book. So i had some time to relax a bit, as i am getting burned out on working too much. I have very little free time anymore, to hang out with my friends, to go fishing or do what most people do on weekends. I am not a 9-5 business and my hours are 7:00am to 11:00pm, 7 days a week. I have alot of cliental that are hundreds of miles away.I have to many irons in the fire sometimes.
BUT! i wouldn't give up this hectic life up for anything!
Join my Latina group Senorita mas fina
Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
I am watching COPS... what were you people thinking?
BUT! i wouldn't give up this hectic life up for anything!

Join my Latina group Senorita mas fina

Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
I am watching COPS... what were you people thinking?
Did you find out anymore on the missing girl?