There seems to be a another missing 17 year old girl, and another wannabe photographer is a suspect. In Albuquerque we keep tabs on these sleazeballs with an underground network of photographers and models. One way we send a message to them is to let the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department know that their business is operating without a licence. I even "accidentally" hit one tough guy that was aggressive to one of my female model friends. With the help of parents of the younger girls we have taken down several pedophiles by reporting their solicitations to the police, a shitload of bullshitters and even a suspected rapist, the girl didn't report it to the police. The cops have a "gang unit" and the models and photographers have a "sleazeball photographer unit". Professional photographers will also go with the girls when the photographers want too show their "portfolios", and most of the time there are no photographs.We even worked with the police on a suspected child pornographer, that wanted a 13 year old girl to do some glamour type shots. My cliental is mainly females between 13- 25 so i hear alot of shit, and can act on it. Sometimes these predators don't realize that " the hunters sometimes ..become the hunted"
The missing girls website
Join my Latina group Senorita mas fina
Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
asked me this question
soooo, how come a pro photog has no pics in his pics folder?
my response
I've been asked that quite a bit! And again this site cannot be accessed at a public library or Kinkos and its blocked which means i will not place anybodys photograph on this site. I believe that majority of photographs these photographers are placing on this site the people have no clue they are on this site, they may have a model release, but do people know their on here? I had 8 professional photographers that were meeting up check out SG and they were shocked! They even asked me why i was even on here. And to answer that i am on here for the FRIENDSHIPS i have built the past year,and to run TWO SG GROUPS,one the Latina group and the Cigar group. Go to the photographer group and you see childrens photographs. Do these photographers tell the parents "hey, can i put your little girls photograph on SuicideGirls? it's kinda a pornsite!" Thats how you can tell a professional photographer whos been around awhile. Respect for the client. I have a photograph of myself and the current Miss America because i spent the entire day photographing her at a workshop, and why would i post that on SG? To impress somebody? Its respect for your clients. Since most photographers on SG are not professionals that rule doesn't apply. So they continue to post childrens photographs on a pornsite.
As a professional photographer you need to contact me in person to see a portfolio and even to talk about my prices, as i don't even place prices on my website ,that is to bring potential clients face to face. I photograph lots of strippers for promotional work and work with fetish groups, but go to my website and you will not see any nudity on it. Why? because the majority of my business is targeted to mainstream cliental, so you can ask me what kind of photography you want and i will meet you in person and show you samples. I don't need to impress anybody on here! There's enough photographers on SG that are legends in their own mind!
just imagine a 8 year old little girl running around a school playground yelling "i'm on the internet! i'm on SuicideGirls!"
Nuff said!
Read more
If your a wannabe photographer and just want to play with the young girls like a toy, here's some advice from us professional photographers.
Do not move to our city!... or you just may be accidentally hit!
[I really never understood why people commit stupid crimes? ..don't you get caught nine out of ten times? Here's the search warrrant on the suspected photographers place.
And also there was a Hooter girl murdered in NC several years ago by a guy who took her out for a photoshoot. Problem was he wasn't even a real photographer! I posted it in all three New Mexico Hooters on the bulletin boards. Those girls get hit up several times a week by wannabe glamour photographers. But luckily the girls at Hooters are in our photographer watch group network. In a way it's good that one has a bad expierence with a shitty photographer because she will warn the other girls, but then again it may be her last!
Update for Oct 1st
Caught a big fish! Last night i went with a girl, pretending to be an uncle, along with four other professional photographers, who sat a table away,to meet a photographer that said he could get her in a swimsuit catalog. The funny thing is it's Ujena and that is a legit swimsuit company and catalog. He had some beautiful women that he shot in his portfolio, actually some could have been in Playboy. But then some local work of his sucked. I asked him how he had so many beautiful women in his portfolio? He fucked up and lied saying these women hired him too take photographs for their model portfolios.
I knew i had his fuckin lyin dumbass. Ujena has a Bikini Jam normally in Mexico that photographers and models pay to go to, then they get together and shoot to build their portfolios. I let him dig his ass in more, with numerous questions about modeling and such. Then i brought in the other professionals, i then asked him how do you know a photographers lying? His lips move! When i asked him ..didn't you pay to photograph these women? he broke down and said he wanted too impress the girl.
He got a lecture on how photographers like him, give the rest of us bad names. When asked for a business licence he said he hasn't got one yet. He was gonna charge the girl $150 for the photoshoot, plus he had business cards made, and according to the law you are a business. I told him the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department might want some of the back gross receipts taxes he hasn't paid.
and how did i know about Ujena's Bikini Jam? i was in the Ujena Photographers and Model Association about 10 years before they started it.
We go to these several times a month. And do we ever get threatened? Actually that would be a bad idea, as two of us have been in the martial arts for over 20 years. And both of us worked as nighclub bouncers for over 12 years.
The missing girls website
Join my Latina group Senorita mas fina

Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
asked me this question
soooo, how come a pro photog has no pics in his pics folder?
my response
I've been asked that quite a bit! And again this site cannot be accessed at a public library or Kinkos and its blocked which means i will not place anybodys photograph on this site. I believe that majority of photographs these photographers are placing on this site the people have no clue they are on this site, they may have a model release, but do people know their on here? I had 8 professional photographers that were meeting up check out SG and they were shocked! They even asked me why i was even on here. And to answer that i am on here for the FRIENDSHIPS i have built the past year,and to run TWO SG GROUPS,one the Latina group and the Cigar group. Go to the photographer group and you see childrens photographs. Do these photographers tell the parents "hey, can i put your little girls photograph on SuicideGirls? it's kinda a pornsite!" Thats how you can tell a professional photographer whos been around awhile. Respect for the client. I have a photograph of myself and the current Miss America because i spent the entire day photographing her at a workshop, and why would i post that on SG? To impress somebody? Its respect for your clients. Since most photographers on SG are not professionals that rule doesn't apply. So they continue to post childrens photographs on a pornsite.
As a professional photographer you need to contact me in person to see a portfolio and even to talk about my prices, as i don't even place prices on my website ,that is to bring potential clients face to face. I photograph lots of strippers for promotional work and work with fetish groups, but go to my website and you will not see any nudity on it. Why? because the majority of my business is targeted to mainstream cliental, so you can ask me what kind of photography you want and i will meet you in person and show you samples. I don't need to impress anybody on here! There's enough photographers on SG that are legends in their own mind!
just imagine a 8 year old little girl running around a school playground yelling "i'm on the internet! i'm on SuicideGirls!"
Nuff said!

Read more
If your a wannabe photographer and just want to play with the young girls like a toy, here's some advice from us professional photographers.
Do not move to our city!... or you just may be accidentally hit!

[I really never understood why people commit stupid crimes? ..don't you get caught nine out of ten times? Here's the search warrrant on the suspected photographers place.

And also there was a Hooter girl murdered in NC several years ago by a guy who took her out for a photoshoot. Problem was he wasn't even a real photographer! I posted it in all three New Mexico Hooters on the bulletin boards. Those girls get hit up several times a week by wannabe glamour photographers. But luckily the girls at Hooters are in our photographer watch group network. In a way it's good that one has a bad expierence with a shitty photographer because she will warn the other girls, but then again it may be her last!
Update for Oct 1st
Caught a big fish! Last night i went with a girl, pretending to be an uncle, along with four other professional photographers, who sat a table away,to meet a photographer that said he could get her in a swimsuit catalog. The funny thing is it's Ujena and that is a legit swimsuit company and catalog. He had some beautiful women that he shot in his portfolio, actually some could have been in Playboy. But then some local work of his sucked. I asked him how he had so many beautiful women in his portfolio? He fucked up and lied saying these women hired him too take photographs for their model portfolios.
I knew i had his fuckin lyin dumbass. Ujena has a Bikini Jam normally in Mexico that photographers and models pay to go to, then they get together and shoot to build their portfolios. I let him dig his ass in more, with numerous questions about modeling and such. Then i brought in the other professionals, i then asked him how do you know a photographers lying? His lips move! When i asked him ..didn't you pay to photograph these women? he broke down and said he wanted too impress the girl.
He got a lecture on how photographers like him, give the rest of us bad names. When asked for a business licence he said he hasn't got one yet. He was gonna charge the girl $150 for the photoshoot, plus he had business cards made, and according to the law you are a business. I told him the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department might want some of the back gross receipts taxes he hasn't paid.
and how did i know about Ujena's Bikini Jam? i was in the Ujena Photographers and Model Association about 10 years before they started it.

We go to these several times a month. And do we ever get threatened? Actually that would be a bad idea, as two of us have been in the martial arts for over 20 years. And both of us worked as nighclub bouncers for over 12 years.

You are my hero
Keep up the good work - are you sure you don't moonlight as a private detective ?

Yay, I look forward to receiving a letter and postcard from you!