Join my Latina group! Senorita mas Fina
Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
Cast as in broken wrist!
Here's another setback to photographers. One amateur can fuck it up for millions!
Richmond Police investigating the disappearance of a 17-year-old college freshman spent yesterday investigating leads they got from an examination of the girl's car.
Taylor Marie Behl, a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University, was last seen by her roommate in her dorm room at about 10 p.m. Sept. 5. Taylor is from Vienna, Va.
An off-duty police officer found Taylor's 1997 Ford Escort on Saturday in Richmond, about a mile and a half from her dorm.
Police said that there were Ohio license plates on the car and that the original Virginia tags were missing. The missing tags were Virginia JPC2848.
The car was turned over to the FBI for forensics processing.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported yesterday that Taylor's scent was one of two that a police dog detected in the car and that the discovery is leading police to think that she might have been abducted.
Police have questioned the girl's family and friends, including a 38-year-old amateur photographer who took pictures of her during a campus visit in April. He posted the pictures on a Web site that displays artwork.
The photographs have been removed since Taylor disappeared.
Police executed search warrants on the home of Taylor's mother in Vienna, Va., and the photographer's home in Richmond.
Taylor was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. She was thought to be carrying her student identification card, a cell phone and a small amount of cash.
Richmond Police Chief Rodney D. Monroe on Thursday upgraded the case from a missing person to a criminal investigation and convened a task force that includes VCU campus police, Virginia State Police and the FBI.
Richmond police have set up a tip line at 804/514-8477.
We have a safety network here in Albuquerque that involves several photographers and tons of models so we can keep an eye on these predatory amateur photographers. It started years ago when a popular local model was raped by an amateur photographer. We take care of our own ,and we could tell you what some of these losers ate last night!
Update Sep 22nd
Missing girl info Taylor
If your curious how our network works its like this. A card is passed out in a stripclub or Hooters, then somebody calls one of our professional photographers to see if its somebody legit. Most the times it is a local photographer and we give them the headsup. If its an unknown photographer one of us will meet with the photographer posing as the girls father or uncle. With some real bullshitters we will let them did a big hole then drop the bomb that we are real photographers and their little scam just got busted.
This is the suspected photographers DeviantART website
it's advertised at the top of the SG header every so often.
FIELDOFDEPTH asked soooo, how come a pro photog has no pics in his pics folder?
Heres my response!
I've been asked that quite a bit! And again this site cannot be accessed at a public library or Kinkos and its blocked which means i will not place anybodys photograph on this site. I believe that majority of photographs these photographers are placing on this site the people have no clue they are on this site, they may have a model release, but do people know their on here? I had 8 professional photographers that were meeting up check out SG and they were shocked! They even asked me why i was even on here. And to answer that i am on here for the FRIENDSHIPS i have built the past year,and to run TWO SG GROUPS,one the Latina group and the Cigar group. Go to the photographer group and you see childrens photographs. Do these photographers tell the parents "hey, can i put your little girls photograph on SuicideGirls? it's kinda a pornsite!" Thats how you can tell a professional photographer whos been around awhile. Respect for the client. I have a photograph of myself and the current Miss America because i spent the entire day photographing her at a workshop, and why would i post that on SG? To impress somebody? Its respect for your clients. Since most photographers on SG are not professionals that rule doesn't apply. So they continue to post childrens photographs on a pornsite.
As a professional photographer you need to contact me in person to see a portfolio and even to talk about my prices, as i don't even place prices on my website ,that is to bring potential clients face to face. I photograph lots of strippers for promotional work and work with fetish groups, but go to my website and you will not see any nudity on it. Why? because the majority of my business is targeted to mainstream cliental, so you can ask me what kind of photography you want and i will meet you in person and show you samples. I don't need to impress anybody on here! There's enough photographers on SG that are legends in their own mind!
just imagine a 8 year old little girl running around a school playground yelling "i'm on the internet! i'm on SuicideGirls!"
nuff said!

Join my Latina group! Senorita mas Fina

Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
Cast as in broken wrist!

Here's another setback to photographers. One amateur can fuck it up for millions!
Richmond Police investigating the disappearance of a 17-year-old college freshman spent yesterday investigating leads they got from an examination of the girl's car.
Taylor Marie Behl, a freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University, was last seen by her roommate in her dorm room at about 10 p.m. Sept. 5. Taylor is from Vienna, Va.
An off-duty police officer found Taylor's 1997 Ford Escort on Saturday in Richmond, about a mile and a half from her dorm.
Police said that there were Ohio license plates on the car and that the original Virginia tags were missing. The missing tags were Virginia JPC2848.
The car was turned over to the FBI for forensics processing.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported yesterday that Taylor's scent was one of two that a police dog detected in the car and that the discovery is leading police to think that she might have been abducted.
Police have questioned the girl's family and friends, including a 38-year-old amateur photographer who took pictures of her during a campus visit in April. He posted the pictures on a Web site that displays artwork.
The photographs have been removed since Taylor disappeared.
Police executed search warrants on the home of Taylor's mother in Vienna, Va., and the photographer's home in Richmond.
Taylor was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. She was thought to be carrying her student identification card, a cell phone and a small amount of cash.
Richmond Police Chief Rodney D. Monroe on Thursday upgraded the case from a missing person to a criminal investigation and convened a task force that includes VCU campus police, Virginia State Police and the FBI.
Richmond police have set up a tip line at 804/514-8477.
We have a safety network here in Albuquerque that involves several photographers and tons of models so we can keep an eye on these predatory amateur photographers. It started years ago when a popular local model was raped by an amateur photographer. We take care of our own ,and we could tell you what some of these losers ate last night!
Update Sep 22nd
Missing girl info Taylor
If your curious how our network works its like this. A card is passed out in a stripclub or Hooters, then somebody calls one of our professional photographers to see if its somebody legit. Most the times it is a local photographer and we give them the headsup. If its an unknown photographer one of us will meet with the photographer posing as the girls father or uncle. With some real bullshitters we will let them did a big hole then drop the bomb that we are real photographers and their little scam just got busted.
This is the suspected photographers DeviantART website
it's advertised at the top of the SG header every so often.
FIELDOFDEPTH asked soooo, how come a pro photog has no pics in his pics folder?
Heres my response!
I've been asked that quite a bit! And again this site cannot be accessed at a public library or Kinkos and its blocked which means i will not place anybodys photograph on this site. I believe that majority of photographs these photographers are placing on this site the people have no clue they are on this site, they may have a model release, but do people know their on here? I had 8 professional photographers that were meeting up check out SG and they were shocked! They even asked me why i was even on here. And to answer that i am on here for the FRIENDSHIPS i have built the past year,and to run TWO SG GROUPS,one the Latina group and the Cigar group. Go to the photographer group and you see childrens photographs. Do these photographers tell the parents "hey, can i put your little girls photograph on SuicideGirls? it's kinda a pornsite!" Thats how you can tell a professional photographer whos been around awhile. Respect for the client. I have a photograph of myself and the current Miss America because i spent the entire day photographing her at a workshop, and why would i post that on SG? To impress somebody? Its respect for your clients. Since most photographers on SG are not professionals that rule doesn't apply. So they continue to post childrens photographs on a pornsite.
As a professional photographer you need to contact me in person to see a portfolio and even to talk about my prices, as i don't even place prices on my website ,that is to bring potential clients face to face. I photograph lots of strippers for promotional work and work with fetish groups, but go to my website and you will not see any nudity on it. Why? because the majority of my business is targeted to mainstream cliental, so you can ask me what kind of photography you want and i will meet you in person and show you samples. I don't need to impress anybody on here! There's enough photographers on SG that are legends in their own mind!
just imagine a 8 year old little girl running around a school playground yelling "i'm on the internet! i'm on SuicideGirls!"
nuff said!

Grats on getting your cast off. How did you break your wrist in the first place?