I'm gonna have to fire myself! I misplaced a $225 check that a client wrote me, and it took more time to find it, than it did to do the entire photoshoot!
Join my Latina group! Senorita mas fina
Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney

Join my Latina group! Senorita mas fina

Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream!
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
I found out about it through my friends page on here. CandyCox.
Don't fire yourself, we'll miss your photo goodness. And yup, we live in a hood. <g> Canadian version anyway. Let me say this much, it makes walking around with our laptops and camera equipment interesting!