We have a network of photographers in Albuquerque that keep tabs on other photographers. Here's some funny drama from a photographer here questioning that.
Dear Mr. Mares,
Who are these seven photographers you claim is Albuquerques safety net? I have spoken to several people and it is unclear of what and whom you speak. I understand self policing as servicing as Landowners Relations with the local balloon club (AAAA), but this rant about bullshitting photographers is becoming serious and, as far as I can see, unfounded. Unless you, Mr. Mares, can come up with who these seven photographers are and the claims you are making against other photographers in Albuquerque, I suggest you keep your rants off the internet and sites like My Space, Suicide Girls, and other places. Stick to the facts. I would love to meet with you and your seven other photographers and discuss the Albuquerque Safety Net you claim. I have spoken to you once, and you seem to be a nice and reasonable person, but I still see rants popping up about your policing methods. I find this to be unprofessional, untrue, and posturing as a defensive position on your part. Please contact me soon, at, , and we will get to the root of this problem in Albuquerque. Thank you for you time.
Here's the original post on myspace and suicidegirls.
We seem to have several local freaky wannabe photographers on myspace that are harrassing my female friends. So i sent out this bulletin to over 500 female members of myspace and the response was overwhelming.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Bullshitting Photographers
I've noticied some so called "photographer/model scouts" on myspace and even OMP has some so called photographer managers, both titles we have found out are bogus claims in most cases. After talking to several models these photographer/model scouts are pulling a fast one by not getting any of the models work, just pushing their photography sevices. It normally works by some wannabe glamour photographer telling a potential model that they have connections or are a making a calendar, and that they need photographs to show other people. The real reason? to get you to pose for them as you would not normally do it at any other time. After they have your photos they tell you the calendars cancelled or NEVER call you back.THESE SO CALLED MODEL SCOUTS DO NOTHING FOR YOU! PUTTING YOU ON OMP IS NOT BEING SCOUTED! You can fool a naive 17 year old girl but by them placing any of those titles on their myspace page they are risking their reputations. Getting on OMP usually leads to more wannabe photographers harrassing you. While i respect and know many OMP photographers both local and national, it seems alot of beginning photographers are cruising OMP looking for young girls to do nudes. If you feel that a photographer has tricked you into getting pics done, and it has led to nothing more than his or her gratification. please contact me as they will be put on our watch list. Yes some professional photographers can get you work by placing you in their own jobs they are working on and we DO know people in the industry we can refer you too. The problem are the one's who are imitating professional photographers who say thay can, but really can't do shit for you but take useless photographs, We have a local photographer/model safety net made up of more than seven professional photographers and hundreds of models, and have investigated some local photographers claims on getting models work,their claims of knowing certain people and most of the time its bullshit. How the network works is, if a model is contacted via the internet or given a business card, we make some calls to verify the photographers claims and background. If all checks out we give the OK to use the photographer, and most of the time we know them ,BUT if theres some doubts we set up a meeting with one of us going with the model.If a model feels funny about a photographer we will go and meet him/her with the model, acting as her friend or relative. I had gone with one Hooter girl and meet a guy who wanted to put her in a calendar he was making, the problem was he had no portfolio and had never photographed a model before. Had the model gone alone it would have been a potential disaster. So models and potential models be careful of so claimed "model scouts" you may just play into their lil scam.We are currently watching one local myspace photographer and his antics and will soon drop a bomb on his so called claims of getting models national work. I had one of my young female friends here on myspace tell me about two local photographers that are bugging her about a photoshoot, over and over, and now she is now getting worried about the undue attention. So what see thought was a friendly gesture now has turned into a photographer having an obsession with her. Most professional photographers will ask once, or maybe even twice, anything more than that they then are crossing the line into stalking. Remember anybody can have a business card printed at Kinkos and place any any claim on myspace, little do they know that other photographers are keeping tabs on their bullshit lies. And we have noticed some photographers tend to inflate their years in business,and we can track that claim also.Some we have noticed some are not registered with the state as a business, and they owe the federal government and stateback tax money, and especially the state will want all back of it's gross receipts tax money.So always check into any photographers claims of past work, because photographers ALWAYS leave trails from past work, if they claim to be a calendar photographer, ask to see a calendar. Stay safe out their models and how many of you have had an experience with a bullshitting photographer?
P.S. Bullshitting photographers are like a computer virus...once you identify them you can stop them.
Bob Mares Photography
Here is another sample of the bullshit! One of my friends from a nightclub asked for a photoshoot around Jan 12th
Date: Jan 15, 2006 7:41 PM
Subject: Are you ready?
Body: Hey are you ready for your photoshoot?
Date: Jan 15, 2006 8:10 PM
Subject: RE: Are you ready?
Body: I think i need a couple weeks to loose a little weight, then i will feel more comfortable. Oh ya, i have another photographer asking me if i wanna do nude modeling...kinda weird huh? jo
So we now have another OMP wannabe moron to moniter. You've just seen an example of our model saftey net in action!
Over 600,000 people live in the Albuquerque area and this moron doesn't seem to be asking the right people. Bad thing is he mentioned several other local photographers in his local group, so i will assume that they are also hostile to us and will be treated as such.
Here was my response.
I would love to meet you in person! Don't fuckin worry about my rants, we don't have to prove anything to you do you know all the professionals in Albuquerque?
Anytime Baby! If you swing you better take a punch!
And the drama queens response. Some names of local professionals were removed.
Mr. Mares:
You still avoid the question. Little dog bark, it seems like. Yes, I have talked to NAME about you and them, and NAME, along with the people at PHOTOGRAPHY STORE. Minor threats mean nothing. Hopefully, you will just screw your professional attitude and go away. Little dog bark.
And again, who is this we nonsense. NAME, NAME? Come on, lets no keep this a big huge secret who your buddies are (arent). And again, these slanderous rants do not exhibit any kind of professional attitude or respect toward models, other photographers, or customers. Little dog bark
And again, who is this we you boast about?
Swing, oh, I love to dance..
Little dog bark
Dear Mr. Mares,
Who are these seven photographers you claim is Albuquerques safety net? I have spoken to several people and it is unclear of what and whom you speak. I understand self policing as servicing as Landowners Relations with the local balloon club (AAAA), but this rant about bullshitting photographers is becoming serious and, as far as I can see, unfounded. Unless you, Mr. Mares, can come up with who these seven photographers are and the claims you are making against other photographers in Albuquerque, I suggest you keep your rants off the internet and sites like My Space, Suicide Girls, and other places. Stick to the facts. I would love to meet with you and your seven other photographers and discuss the Albuquerque Safety Net you claim. I have spoken to you once, and you seem to be a nice and reasonable person, but I still see rants popping up about your policing methods. I find this to be unprofessional, untrue, and posturing as a defensive position on your part. Please contact me soon, at, , and we will get to the root of this problem in Albuquerque. Thank you for you time.
Here's the original post on myspace and suicidegirls.
We seem to have several local freaky wannabe photographers on myspace that are harrassing my female friends. So i sent out this bulletin to over 500 female members of myspace and the response was overwhelming.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Bullshitting Photographers
I've noticied some so called "photographer/model scouts" on myspace and even OMP has some so called photographer managers, both titles we have found out are bogus claims in most cases. After talking to several models these photographer/model scouts are pulling a fast one by not getting any of the models work, just pushing their photography sevices. It normally works by some wannabe glamour photographer telling a potential model that they have connections or are a making a calendar, and that they need photographs to show other people. The real reason? to get you to pose for them as you would not normally do it at any other time. After they have your photos they tell you the calendars cancelled or NEVER call you back.THESE SO CALLED MODEL SCOUTS DO NOTHING FOR YOU! PUTTING YOU ON OMP IS NOT BEING SCOUTED! You can fool a naive 17 year old girl but by them placing any of those titles on their myspace page they are risking their reputations. Getting on OMP usually leads to more wannabe photographers harrassing you. While i respect and know many OMP photographers both local and national, it seems alot of beginning photographers are cruising OMP looking for young girls to do nudes. If you feel that a photographer has tricked you into getting pics done, and it has led to nothing more than his or her gratification. please contact me as they will be put on our watch list. Yes some professional photographers can get you work by placing you in their own jobs they are working on and we DO know people in the industry we can refer you too. The problem are the one's who are imitating professional photographers who say thay can, but really can't do shit for you but take useless photographs, We have a local photographer/model safety net made up of more than seven professional photographers and hundreds of models, and have investigated some local photographers claims on getting models work,their claims of knowing certain people and most of the time its bullshit. How the network works is, if a model is contacted via the internet or given a business card, we make some calls to verify the photographers claims and background. If all checks out we give the OK to use the photographer, and most of the time we know them ,BUT if theres some doubts we set up a meeting with one of us going with the model.If a model feels funny about a photographer we will go and meet him/her with the model, acting as her friend or relative. I had gone with one Hooter girl and meet a guy who wanted to put her in a calendar he was making, the problem was he had no portfolio and had never photographed a model before. Had the model gone alone it would have been a potential disaster. So models and potential models be careful of so claimed "model scouts" you may just play into their lil scam.We are currently watching one local myspace photographer and his antics and will soon drop a bomb on his so called claims of getting models national work. I had one of my young female friends here on myspace tell me about two local photographers that are bugging her about a photoshoot, over and over, and now she is now getting worried about the undue attention. So what see thought was a friendly gesture now has turned into a photographer having an obsession with her. Most professional photographers will ask once, or maybe even twice, anything more than that they then are crossing the line into stalking. Remember anybody can have a business card printed at Kinkos and place any any claim on myspace, little do they know that other photographers are keeping tabs on their bullshit lies. And we have noticed some photographers tend to inflate their years in business,and we can track that claim also.Some we have noticed some are not registered with the state as a business, and they owe the federal government and stateback tax money, and especially the state will want all back of it's gross receipts tax money.So always check into any photographers claims of past work, because photographers ALWAYS leave trails from past work, if they claim to be a calendar photographer, ask to see a calendar. Stay safe out their models and how many of you have had an experience with a bullshitting photographer?
P.S. Bullshitting photographers are like a computer virus...once you identify them you can stop them.
Bob Mares Photography
Here is another sample of the bullshit! One of my friends from a nightclub asked for a photoshoot around Jan 12th
Date: Jan 15, 2006 7:41 PM
Subject: Are you ready?
Body: Hey are you ready for your photoshoot?
Date: Jan 15, 2006 8:10 PM
Subject: RE: Are you ready?
Body: I think i need a couple weeks to loose a little weight, then i will feel more comfortable. Oh ya, i have another photographer asking me if i wanna do nude modeling...kinda weird huh? jo
So we now have another OMP wannabe moron to moniter. You've just seen an example of our model saftey net in action!
Over 600,000 people live in the Albuquerque area and this moron doesn't seem to be asking the right people. Bad thing is he mentioned several other local photographers in his local group, so i will assume that they are also hostile to us and will be treated as such.

Here was my response.
I would love to meet you in person! Don't fuckin worry about my rants, we don't have to prove anything to you do you know all the professionals in Albuquerque?
Anytime Baby! If you swing you better take a punch!
And the drama queens response. Some names of local professionals were removed.
Mr. Mares:
You still avoid the question. Little dog bark, it seems like. Yes, I have talked to NAME about you and them, and NAME, along with the people at PHOTOGRAPHY STORE. Minor threats mean nothing. Hopefully, you will just screw your professional attitude and go away. Little dog bark.
And again, who is this we nonsense. NAME, NAME? Come on, lets no keep this a big huge secret who your buddies are (arent). And again, these slanderous rants do not exhibit any kind of professional attitude or respect toward models, other photographers, or customers. Little dog bark
And again, who is this we you boast about?
Swing, oh, I love to dance..
Little dog bark


let's be friends!