My goals for 2006 are becoming reality! I have succeeded in marketing my business to the exact people that could use my services, just like i wanted to in my 2006 business plan. On Jan 1st 2006 i started two private myspace groups to help my market my business and two other businesses. One is a nightclub OPM's Finest which i have over 330 members in over a month and a clubwear store Stomps and Threads which has over 239 all hot female members between 17- 28 and no male members but myself. I've noticied a huge increase in business due to these two groups. Another goal acheived is that, two local Hooter girlz have now been accepted to Hooter magazine from my photography submissions and one of them, even got an e-mail from Maxim telling her she is now a preliminary selected contestant for their Hometown Hotties contest. They now want us to do a sexy video of her to boost her chances. This has been an amazing 30 plus days so far! I'm now off to Las Cruces on a three hour drive to photograph the Las Cruces Hooter girlz calendar submissions, i got two in the calendar last year. Maybe a drive down to El Paso, Tx to party with the girlz after the photoshoot, i had a chance to drive the Hooter Hummer for several days down in Las Cruces several years ago.
Join my Latina group! Senorita mas fina
Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
Join my Latina group! Senorita mas fina

Join my Cigar group! Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
How much you figure it would cost to open a studio?...ball park figure.