I've been out of town for several days doing photoshoots so it's been hard to update daily. I got a gig taking digital photographs and video today and tomorrow at the biggest mall in the state so i will be able to network with the thousands of customers that will be there, theres nothing like being seen by thousands of people to get your business name out there. I just had 1000 additional business cards and 500 postcard type flyers printed and have placed them in various retail businesses and venues through out the state. And i just got another offer to do a Miss New Mexico preliminary pageant video, which is cool cuz i get pretty creative and do alot of backstage and behind the scene type footage. I may even have a female former contestant as a video host and make the pageant video come out looking like a TV show, something that nobody can offer. I'm actually pushing the videography side of my business more than the photography because i am really getting cool gigs now and i am already established as a photographer. I've been investing more money into the video side of my business as to make it a multi-media one stop shopping for potential clients. Not only can i hire out myself to clients i can supply them with as many additional photographers,videographers and models as needed.
Join my Latina group Senorita mas Fina
Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
Posting a journal really sucks! i did this, i did that. Does anybody care what i do?

Join my Latina group Senorita mas Fina

Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
Posting a journal really sucks! i did this, i did that. Does anybody care what i do?


Would you add me again?