I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why i wouldn't want to live forever.
Miss Alabama 1994
Join my Latina group Senorita mas Fina
Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
The response to the question above is known as a brain fart, when nerves kick in and you cannot think clearly. But her question unfortunately was asked with millions of viewers on national TV watching.
I deleted 50 so called friends off my friend list, and i bet it will be weeks or months till they realize it, and i will make a second cut soon. I currently have 42 too many, and all i need are around 10 -20. Since i am becoming less active on SG, due too all my business commitments, and i just want to keep in touch only with the active ones or the ones who have at least left a comment in my journal lately. I notice that most people on SG are averaging 2-15 comments per journal but have over 100 friends. One of my friends posted in her journal that she wanted to commit suicide with sleeping pills and a some of her friends commented on it and were nice to her, but in her next journal update she didn't thank anybody or even thank them in their journals.
i don't need friends like that!
I feel like this sometimes!
Miss Alabama 1994
Join my Latina group Senorita mas Fina

Join my Cigar group Smoke um if you got um
Live your dream
Do what you do so well - and so uniquely - that people
can't resist telling others about you."
Walt Disney
The response to the question above is known as a brain fart, when nerves kick in and you cannot think clearly. But her question unfortunately was asked with millions of viewers on national TV watching.
I deleted 50 so called friends off my friend list, and i bet it will be weeks or months till they realize it, and i will make a second cut soon. I currently have 42 too many, and all i need are around 10 -20. Since i am becoming less active on SG, due too all my business commitments, and i just want to keep in touch only with the active ones or the ones who have at least left a comment in my journal lately. I notice that most people on SG are averaging 2-15 comments per journal but have over 100 friends. One of my friends posted in her journal that she wanted to commit suicide with sleeping pills and a some of her friends commented on it and were nice to her, but in her next journal update she didn't thank anybody or even thank them in their journals.
i don't need friends like that!

I feel like this sometimes!
i think that you should delete Frenchy