Well Gears of War:Judgment released at midnight on the 19th and after less than 8 hours I beat it. then it took my a little more than 8 hours to do it a second time after raising the difficulty level. I will say they put a lot more Hype on this game and I was not impressed. Changing the controller configuration was a poor move and then introducing new Locust in a PREQUEL! it drives me nuts when they do that. I get the story line and it's a cool concept but don't change things that have been the same for the past 3 games.
Okay enough ranting about the game. Let's see this past weekend was my daughter turn for some good old daddy/daughter bonding time. when I asked her what she wanted to do she told me we were going to have a makeover party. So my daughter, my room mate, & one of our good friends spent the night doing make overs. I got a pedi done. it was awesome. then my daughter did my nails. She was so cute.
She is so cute with her tongue sticking out as she is painting my nails.
Final Product:
Okay enough ranting about the game. Let's see this past weekend was my daughter turn for some good old daddy/daughter bonding time. when I asked her what she wanted to do she told me we were going to have a makeover party. So my daughter, my room mate, & one of our good friends spent the night doing make overs. I got a pedi done. it was awesome. then my daughter did my nails. She was so cute.
She is so cute with her tongue sticking out as she is painting my nails.
Final Product:
Then after she got her hair and makeup done I took some pictures of my sweet princess:
Well guess It's time to get the house work done that I have been neglecting for the past 2 days.
Hope evenyone has been having a good week