Well sick or not guess who is at the monster truck show with his girlfriend having a kick ass time?

We are having an awesome time and I will post pictures later when i figure out how to use the camera kit I got with my iPad.
Hope everyone is having a kick ass weekend!
I'll have one through you.
awesome monster trucks rule!
Well guess who has the flu AGAIN??? puke
Well I have such crappy body aches that it is killing me. I spent most of the day consoling my best friend as her father was taken to the hospital and had to have a heart catheter. we are really worried about him. Doctors don't know if there is anything they can do to help him. Then she...
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Nice. Enjoy the iPad. smile sorry your sick. That sucks. frown feel better soon!
Hey, sounds like besides the flu, you are doing better.. smile im glad.

I hope you get better
Okay here's the deal. I have been in a depression crash for awhile now and I have been looking for some positive to bring me out. But nothing is working. Then I decided it was a good idea to find out what's on my credit report.. $25,000 in collections. How did I let things get so bad? I know at one point I had everything...
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Well glad your finding something fab to fill your time with, and that your ex will help you out! Money will sort itself out in the end!

Going to clean out my "friends" list. have a funny feeling I am going to feel even more alone here.
I agree with suispud1
I told im here for you if you need me, just message me, im fromPanam, but my heart is where someone need me.
Well I have been in a downward spiral since I began working again. I can't slow down enough to help myself and now I'm on the verge of losing my job. I informed my boss that I have Manic Depression with Severe Anxiety. Now for insurance purposes I must bring in a doctors note stating my diagnoses. GREAT!!!! Money I don't have to see a...
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Are you leaving SG?
frown Dont leave, please.
Well I am doing it again... I am crashing like a rock thru a window.
I am so sore & tired from working that it is making me grumpy. I get no time to do anything I like.
I have yet to finish my new House of Night book. I haven't even started my new Life plan. My Girlfriend is bitching because I haven't really...
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That sucks. frown I'm slowly working my way through the 4th book in the Inheritance series... I read half of a paragraph and my kids start screaming, or come running out to see if I will get them another drink or some other bullshit...

And then they are flippin stealing my moving boxes! ~SMH~ LOL, Damn Kids. Gotta love them though. Nicky gets so excited when he sees the huge pile of boxes in my living room... biggrin

Then put all of this together with a lack of sleep cause Wendy has her night terrors if there isn't a flippin light on in her room. She was up until almost 5am the other night screaming at the top of her lungs with the terrors until my roomie got the bright idea to turn her tv back on. Then we slept for 4 hours and they were rolling and ready to go. UGH... I was so ready to kill her that night. LOL!
WOW! What a first day. I went in at 10 am and filled out my paperwork and that was a breeze. I had to go back at 4 pm and watch those tiresome training videos that nobody ever remembers. Then after sitting there for 2 hours bored out of my skull they took my on a tour of the place and once I knew where...
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I love your profile pics ! love
Take caare!
I hate doing dishes too. I hate getting my hands wet cause they dry out so badly. frown That sucks. But as I've heard it, beggars can't be choosers when it comes to jobs in this economy unfortunately. Hopefully they will put you in a different position soon! kiss
Well I start my job tomorrow. I have to be there at 10 AM. I haven't been up before noon in so long that this is going to be a challenge.

Things are going great with my new girlfriend. We have a date on February 4th to go see the Monster Truck Show. I have never been so she bought the tickets and we are...
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monster trucks? that actually sounds like a fun, exciting date!
booooo budgets are a pain in the ass.
Good luck, and have fun!
Well I have finally landed some employment. eeek So in celebration I took my BFF and my Ex's Hubby out to see the new Underworld movies last night. It was awesome.
I will be working on the base again 25+ hours a week. I start Monday. I have also landed me a new Girlfriend. She is awesome. It's only been a couple of days and everything...
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Sounds awesome! Hope the job works out, and as for the new girlfriend - well, she'd better make you happy, or it'll make me sad. Your a really awesome guy, and I hope she treats you right - and you her too! kiss

I wish I had an Xbox, but sadly, even if I had one, I wouldn't know what to do with it. LOL.biggrin
CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!! And you are so very welcome for the little bit of help
Starting to feel a little better. I took my camera out in the back yard and my Lovely Roxy let me take her photo. Well I have been doing a lot of reading and searching and I still have NO IDEA how to edit photo's the way the girls on this site do it. I have been asking around and have gotten no reply.I won't...
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I don't have anything with an anti-histamine. frown
hello! thank you very much for the friend request! we are in touch, Regardskiss
Whats wrong sweetie??
frown Feel better!!! Let me know if you wanna talk! kiss
Well I have been trying to pick my self up out of this funk I have landed myself in. Doesn't matter what I do it just doesn't seem to be doing any good. I tried taking SapphireRuin's advice and wouldn't you know it.. I suck. The pictures all turned crappy as shit. I deleted them and have packed up my camera. Things are going...
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I really really hope you get out of this funk.